

Business Balls.com


GMC management  for doctors

Leadership and management for all doctors GMC 2012



Medical Leadership Competency Framework

Now Clinical Leadership Competency Framework


Management vs leadership

anagement vs Leadership jimclemmer.com

Leadership vs Management changingminds.org

Leadership and Management teamtechnology.co.uk



Leadership styles

Management and leadership theories, models and gurus Business Balls.com


Leadership styles Lewin

Kurt Lewin businessmate.org

Lewins leadership styles vectorstudy.com


Schmidt Tannenbaum continuum

Autocratic democratic Schmidt Tannenbaum continuum
tannenbaum schmidt lindsay-sherwin.co.uk


Action-entred eadership

Action-Centred Leadership @ Business Balls


McGregor theory X theory Y

Douglas McGregor The Human Side of Enterprise 1960

hMcGregor Theory X Theory Y @ Businessballs.com

Self-Test @ College of ST Scholastic.edu



Jonathan Powell. The New Machiavelli: How to Wield Power in the Modern World

machiavelli @ philosophypages.com

Nolan Committee’s 7 principles of public life

Bribery Act 2010 MeReC


Kirkpatrick learning evaluation

kirkpatrick learning evaluation model businessballs.co

Kirkpatrick anderson-sabourin.com

kirkpatrick partners.com


JM Fisher change management

Fishers change management diagram @ NHS CfH


Career orientations inventory and FIRO B

Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation – Behaviour.
FIRO B psychtesting.org.uk


Myers Biggs

Myers Biggs Personality Types 1962
myers briggs.org



Manual for Working in Teams analytictech.com

Good Medical Practice: Working in teams




Tuckmann Group behaviour and dynamics
Taking Shape
Taking Issue
Taking Part
Taking Off
5th stage taking leave


Belbin nine team roles


Belbin betterproductdesign.net


Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (management)



Maslow Herzeberg


Maslow Business Balls

Motivation theory Maslow tutor2u.net




Herzebergs Hygeine and Motivating Factors
Herzbergs http://tutor2u.net
Satisfiers Dissatisfiers Hygeine Motivators

the psychological contract video interview with professor rob briner and dr neil conway


The psychological contract

the psychological contract video interview with professor rob briner and dr neil conway



Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory of Human Development BusinessBalls.com

Erikson for (christian) parents

Freud’s stages of psychosexual development


Adams’ equity theory

Adams Equity Theory mindtools.com

Adams Equity Theory learn management2.com


McClelland’s motivational theory

McClelland’s Theory of Needs NetMBA.com


Karpman’s drama triangle 1968

Yesterday’s victims are tomorrow’s persecutors 

Coaching Supervision Academy the karpman drama triangle


Transactional analysis

Transactional Analysis I’m Ok Your OK


Functional fluency



Emotional intelligence

EQ @ BusinessBalls

BMJ careers 20 nov 2011

Emotional intelligence daniel goleman.info






NLP is not therapy.com

Kersley S Do your colleagues understand you. BMJ Career Focus 2002

Walter J and Bayat A (2003) Neurolinguistic programming:the keys to success

Houghton A and Allen J (2005) Understanding personality type. BMJ Career Focus,330: 3637.

some years ago a friend was visited by an tired harrassed OOH Doctor who also happened to be Course Organiser for the local VTS scheme and an active advocate of NLP. The Doctor barged past the person answering the door (the patient’s husband and a former trainee) and stormed upstairs after a gruff – wheres the patient? Which is to say (a) nobody’s perfect and (b) there is no technique or methodology to be a good doctor/practitioner at all times


More body language



Steven Covey

Steven Covey thinkexist.com


Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie brainyquote.com


Kubler Ross changingminds.org

Kubler Ross E (1969) On death and dying. Springer, New York
Denial and isolation: this is usually a temporary shock response to bad news
Anger why me
Bargaining eg between patient and God ‘If only I could live to see.
Depression mourning lamentation
Acceptance Acceptance


Giving feedback (management)


london deanery.ac.uk models of giving feedback


Performance management

Performance management managementhelp.org



Time and information management

Was difficult enough in the old days before PCs and emails.
Good doctors devoted themselve to their patients worked long hard hours but did at least work within an environment of contained knowledge, expectations, and limited treatment options.
Rather than liberate or even help us, PCs, email and the internet seem to have created more problems than they appear to solve. Whatever –  the information revolution was happening anyway – the tools for handling the problem just weren’t up to the challenge – whilst in themselves creating more problems.
The resources below offer a mix of universal time management principles advice plus how to cope with the distractions of the modern world. Interestingly the best tech solutions are generally lo-fi and simple – technology might finally save us by delivering simple tools that emulate the old ones but remove any need to be techy – thanks to Apple and Open Source platforms – see for example IAWriter App for the ipad.

Get Everything Done and Still Have Time To Play Mark Forster

Get Things Done Dave Allen
Rigorous 12 step program to personal and professional efficiency, organisation, and peace-of-mind. Imagine Queens of Clean coming round to unclutter your office and your mind free you of nagging uncomfortableness of unclosed mental loops and piles of files.

Bit Literacy and GoodToDo Mark Hurst
deceptively simple approach to clearing your inbox by converting emails to future actions on an online to do list. Simpler than a full blown GTD approach but still requiring a degree of rigour.

tips and tricks for the computer-based homeworker again with insights for the practicing Clinician in the digital world.


The best way forward is to be able to afford a good secretary /PA / spouse  to do this stuff for you!

Failing that we may just be entering a new golden age where computers can finally be useful


Information management



Risk management



Project management

What is Project Management? mpug.com


Prince II


Lean six sigma


Business plans


Business plans businesslink.gov.uk


SWOT analysis


Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors.
Opportunities and threats are external factors.


Fishbone chart



BCG Matrix



Force Field Analysis Kurt Lewin

Analyzing Change Factors – Driving Forces and Restraining Forces



Decision making models




Plan Do Study Act institute.nhs.uk

Plan Do Study Act


KP 4 habits model

Kaiser Permante Four Habits Model


McKinsey 7S framework

McKinsey 7S framework mindtools.com


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