- Minor surgery DES PUK
- MS DES BMA 2003
- Minor Surgery in GP BMA 2007
- RCGP Courses
- primary care training academy
- PCDS UK skins urgery
- minor surgery courses.com
Minor Surgery Logistics
Minor surgery consent form
Minor Surgery Consent Form @ NatPaCT
Name of patient ………………… Date ………………
The following issues have been discussed:
The nature of the procedure has been explained, including the anaesthetic technique, type of wound, stitches and aftercare.
Allergies including dressings and antibiotics?………………….
Potential risks e.g., scar, keloid scarring, bleeding, bruising and wound infection.
Follow up of any samples sent to the lab …………………………
Instructions given to care for the wound and avoid unwanted early openings which will result in unwanted cosmetic result and wound infection.
Time for the removal of the stitches (if applicable) = …………… days
Procedure…………………………………………… GP
I…………………………………………………(print name) consent to the minor surgical procedure as described to me by my doctor. I have read and understood the information detailed above and understand fully the reasons for the procedure.
Signed…………………………………… Date……………………………
Minor Surgery Instruments
Minor Surgery Instruments
Local anaesthesia
- Local AnaesthesiaPUK
- nda.ox.ac.uk/wfsa/html/u04/u04_014.htm
- frca.co.uk/SectionContents.aspx?sectionid=235
- BNF/6684
Use plain lignocaine preferably 1% solution.
NEVER use Lignocaine/ Adrenaline solution in wounds of the nose, ear, finger etc. as it may result in ischaemia.
Lignocaine maximum dose 3mg/K.g = 20mls 1% for 70kg adult. Use digital nerve block for finger wounds Not direct wound infiltration
Sutures and suturing
- Sutures Medscape
- Suturing Techniques Medscape
- Wound management and suturing PUK
- practical plastic surgery.org
- Ethicon.com
Wound management
Wound assessment is more important than wound closure.
Record your findings accurately, paying attention to the function and integrity of underlying tendons, vessels and nerves.
Clean the wound thoroughly and inspect for underlying damage and for retained foreign bodies. Glass almost always shows providing the correct views have been obtained.
Wound closure
- Suturing Medscape
- Practical Plastic Surgery – online book for Non-surgeons
- Mattress Sutures AAFP 2002
Monofilament nylon for most wounds.
Where deep closure is necessary Catgut or Vicryl.
Use one of these absorbable sutures also in mucous membrane
Consider staple closure for scalp wounds and Histoacryl adhesive for superficial wounds particularly in children.
After cleaning decide
• Clean ?
• Contaminated ?
• Dirty ?
Clean wounds should be closed. If you are unhappy about potentially contaminated wounds they may be left for Delayed primary Closure after 48 hours, when the risk of infection has passed or you may choose immediate primary closure if you are happy with the cleansing. Dirty wounds should not be closed since they are likely to become infected. These may be closed after 48 hours if clean at that time, or left to granulate.
Face 6/0 Ethilon Remove @ day 5
Hand 5/0 Ethilon day 7
Arm 4/0 Ethilon day 7
Others 3/0 or 4/0 day 7
Extensor aspects joints day 10
Langers Lines
- facebook.com Skin-lines
- beltina.org langers lines
- artansis.blogspot.com langers lines and face creams
Plastic and cosmetic surgery
- youtu.be/4Ling8ogDpE
- youtu.be/iH24hO6Zivc
- youtu.be/V8vJ7Q0MzNo
- youtu.be/rjyZmFXWOco
- youtu.be/CfoDxQlD56g
- youtu.be/j3OVaApfc8Y
- youtu.be/89Xefw5or7I
Pilar Cysts
Pyogenic Granuloma
procedureclinic.com pyogenicgranuloma