

First Practice Management

Team Associates

Management in Practice

RCGP Guide to GP Services


NHS GP Stats

GP Stats BMA 0ct 2010



Outcome of the 2012/13 GP contract negotiations @ NeLM Nov 2011

Contract Changes 2012/13 BMA


Funding in GP

Dr Andy Withers Grange Practice Allerton

Normally expected of all practices but opt-out possible
No one practice has to do Obligatory for each PCO Nationally specified
NES OPT-IN national terms and conditions
PCT commissioned service in response to specific local requirements. Local terms, conditions and standards. Possibly, innovative services for piloting and evaluation


Management of patients ill or believing themselves to be ill for the duration of that illness where recovery is to be expected including health promotion and referral as appropriate and involving patient choice
Services to violent patients
Childhood vaccs
Minor Surgery
Flu Vaccs
Heart Failure Osteoporosis LD Ethnicity Alcohol
Anticoagulant monitoring IUCD Sexual health MS Drug and alcohol misuse Terminally ill Depression Learning disabilities Intra partum care Minor injuries Near-patient testing Homeless Imm ediate/first response care

General management of the terminally ill


Paid as Global Sum in PMS or MPIG in GMS practices (MPIG = GS +correction factor)

Practice Based Commissioning
Devolved budgets to all practices
Virtual Money – you can’t take it home
Secondary care, acute and elective
Community Staff
Can spend (up to) 70% of Freed up resources (FURs note not
savings) on patient care. Pct takes rest.
Only get FURs you predict (no serendipitous FUR)
Idea is to provide innovations in services to produce FUR
Usually done through commissioning alliances

Other Income
Teaching and Training Amount NHS
GPR £7.5k Y
FY2 £10k Y
Medical Students £15-20k N
NHS related work GPwSI c £10k/ session Y


Getting Paid 2 (This is real money)
Typical Middle sized practice (approx 5500 patients)
Total amount £875k
Less running expenses (36%) £315k
Less Staff costs (including salaried GPs and GPRs) £260k
Profit (34%) £300k
Divided between partners = income £100k
Need to pay 20% superannuation £80k
Need to pay Income tax

PFI variants
Guaranteed income stream from PCT
Practice Finance
A brief look at the history:
GPs ‘independent contractors since 1948’
1990 contract existing framework PMS introduced from 1998 onwards
Increasing workload, diminishing numbers, bureaucratic overload, threat of ‘mass resignation’
Feeling in the profession that ‘something had to change!’

NHS Pensions Calculator


Carr-Hill formula

Primarycare Funding Carr Hill dh.gov.uk


Practice accounts

Understanding Practice Accounts Pulse Jan 08

Gross Practice Income
Other (GPwSI, PEC, training etc)
Medicals & reports
Other employment (e.g. Occ Health, DWP)
Practice Expenses
Personal Income?
What goes into the practice?
What can I keep? (cremations, OOH sessions)
Personal or Practice Expenses
Professional subscriptions/defence society
Journals & Books
Home office & computing
Cost Rent
PCT rental
Buying in
Private Fees
Capital Costs
Running Costs
Cost Rent
Improvement Grants
Branch Surgeries
Staff Reimbursements


Taxation expenses  superannuation

GP personal Expense Claims GP Online Mar 2010

GP earnings and expenses 2009-10 NHS Information Centre


Partnership agreements

GP Partnerships @ Medical Interviews


GP NHS pensions

All NHS income pensionable
GMS / PMS work
locum work
board, advisory and other work for NHS bodies
statutory certification
work for GP cooperatives that are NHS bodies



British Medical Association



General Practitioners Committee



LMCs Local Medical Committees
Statutorily recognised representative bodies for all GPs (not just Independant Contractors or BMA members) within their geographical areas.
Not Trad Unions.
Funded mainly by a compulsory levy on all GP practices included in Global Sum, and an additional voluntary levy.


Annual practice reports

Annual Practice Reports


Practice leaflets

Practice Leaflets


Patient participation

Getting the most from your GP practice RCGP Aug 2011

see also QOF etc


Practice boundaries

Practice Boundaries and Registration


Practice lists

List Size Practice Size Personal and Shared Lists


Removing patients

MPS Factsheet Removing patients from the practice list



OOH Arrangements


Home visits

Home Visits



National Primary Care Development Team
Understand demand
Shape demand
Match capacity to demand
Contingency plans

pulsetoday.co.uk How we increased our appointment capacity by 50%

Access to primary care: Advanced … or smart? BJGP Aug 2007


Employment law

Equal Opportunities Commission


Bullying and Harassment: ACAS as above
IHM Healthcare Management Code at www.ihm.org.uk
IHM Diversity Group recommendations for Recruitment and Selection
Sickness Absence: ACAS as above, including their booklet entitled Absence and Labour Turnover
BMA guidance on managing absence at www.bma.org.uk


Health and Safety


Business continuity plans

Practice Protocols

First Practice Management

Salford & Trafford LMC Advice in times of RIOT Aug 2011

Additional Precautions for Practices during times of Social Unrest

In line with advice being given out nationally we hope that all our practices have business continuity plans in place already. The recent social unrest in London, Liverpool & Birmingham could be a timely reminder to revisit them. Please be aware that unrest can start in one area, and then spread. Let’s hope that none of this advice should prove necessary, but please ensure that you and your staff would know what to do in such circumstances.

Should social unrest spread, attacks on surgery premises and individuals are possible (we have already seen attacks on pharmacies). Practices have a duty of care to colleagues and staff and we know you would wish to ensure that any such attack produces as little effect on delivery of services as possible. Bearing this in mind you may find the following guiding points helpful:

Protect Colleagues and Staff:
Make sure you discuss and record arrangements for access and exiting the premises, and have a clear means of communicating with colleagues and staff. Establish a named practice contact with a nominated mobile number and email address. Agree with staff and colleagues to share contact numbers, and have a simple codeword that identifies if they are in trouble, and report such cases to the police, or 999 if in immediate danger.

Note that colleagues and staff living locally may be intimidated, or feel subject to intimidation, and may not be able to attend the premises

Inform patients:
Using reasonable commonsense means make patients aware that normal services may be disrupted; house calls may not be possible and routine requests subject to delay. It may be necessary to increase the availability of telephone consultations.

Secure Records:
Ensure that manual records are out of sight and in locked storage
Ensure that computer back tapes are in a fireproof safe; consider a second back up to be kept temporarily off the premises, but be aware of data protection requirements. The tapes may need to be encrypted, or stored on alternative licensed premises (PCT or neighbouring practice)

Secure Prescriptions/drugs:

Ensure “blue” (for DDA drugs) FP10s are secure or kept off the premises. Lock FP10 pads and computer prescription forms out of sight.

Consider a notice – prominently visible from the street – stating that ‘no powerful drugs are kept on the premises’, and ensure this is the case.

Remove Cash and Valuables, and Secure Equipment:

Consider a notice – prominently visible from the street – stating that ‘no cash or valuables are kept on the premises’, and ensure this is the case



Primary Health Care Team


Practice meetings

Practice Meetings


Practice manager

Practice Manager


Practice nurses

Practice Nurses



Advanced Nurse Practitioners



Non-medical prescribing

Non-medical prescribing PGDs and Nurse Prescribing

NPC rapid Review Jul 2011

DOH Evaluation of Nurse and Pharmacist Prescribing May 2011

Cumberlege Report (Department of Health, 1986).
Crown Reports (Department of Health, 1989/1999)
Types of nurse prescribing

BNF Orderline DH Publications 0300 123 1002
Nurse Prescribers’ Formulary Royal Pharmaceutical Press



Patient Group Directives PGDs
Patient Group Directives NPC 2009

Patient group directions @ DH

Patient group directions NeLM


District nurses

District Nurses and Community Services


Community services



New Medicine Service and MURS


Health visitors

health visitors.com

DH Health Visitor Plan 2011-15

Every family with children under five years, and every GP practice has a named health visitor.


School nurses

School Nurses


MDT Multi Agency Working AHPs

Doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, psychotherapists, dieticians, social workers and some others like specialist nurses, psychiatrists, etc.
Meet at regular intervals to discuss patients, review progress, make decisions and formulate plans.


Occupational therapy

Occupational therapy (OT)



Speech and language therapy

SALTs assist children and adults with developmental or acquired speech, language or swallowing problems:
difficulty producing and using speech
difficulty understanding and/or using language
difficulty with feeding, chewing or swallowing
stammering voice problems


Health and Social Services

Care closer to home
intermediate care
transitional care
hospital care at home.
Respite care.
Long-term care
sheltered accommodation, warden-controlled accommodation or elderly people’s home
residential home
nursing home
EMI (elderly mentally ill) home.
Homecare (once a week – four times a day not overnight)
cleaning, washing, preparing foods, shopping, collecting pension and other ADL. There is usually no carer available overnight.


Social workers

British Association of Social Workers

Discharge from Hospital – source ?
Once an individual is referred to social services, he/she will be allocated a named social worker who will be responsible for assessing the needs of the person and making a care plan in partnership with the client, relatives and carers.
Under the current legislation, in the hospital setup, once a patient (after being declared medically fit by the medical team) is referred to the social services (section 2), a social worker is expected to sort out the social issues within 34 days (except weekends). However, if they fail to do so, the hospital can issue a section 5 notice. If the social services fail to respond within 24 hours of issuing a section 5, then the social services will be penalised. Social services will have to pay part of the cost for any extra day stay of the patient in the hospital (Delayed Discharge Act, DH)

Approved social worker (ASW)
Trained and approved under the Mental Health Act 1983 to assess need to be detained in hospital. After assessing the patient, the ASW can arrange necessary support or voluntary hospital admission. However,if it is not possible because of the poor mental state of the patient, the ASW will consult with the person’s GP and an approved psychiatrist and may arrange for detention in hospital for a period of assessment and/or treatments



Process of helping a person who has acquired an illness disability or addiction to restore to normal or near-normal life or to re-adapt to society or a new job with the help of retraining, therapy or vocational guidance.


Intermediate care

Keeping people out of hospital – effective discharge and follow-up Pulse CPD module Aug 2011

source – Medical Interviews Yuen?
Intermediate care is defined as the care and support services that meet all of the following criteria:
targeted at people who would otherwise face unnecessarily prolonged hospital stay or inappropriate admission to acute inpatient care, long-term residential
care or continuing NHS inpatient care provided on the basis of a comprehensive assessment, resulting in a structured individual care plan that involves active therapy, treatment or opportunity for recovery
have a planned outcome of maximising independence and typically enabling patients/users to resume living at home
are time- limited, normally no longer than six weeks and frequently as little as 12 weeks or less and involve cross-professional working, with a single assessment framework, single professional records and shared protocols.
This service is available for individuals who require a period of rehabilitation, after illness or injury, to regain control and independence in their lives and this period
can extend up to a maximum of six weeks. This service is usually provided in one of the designated wards in hospital or local residential or nursing home.

Service models
Rapid response – prevent avoidable acute admissions by providing rapid assessment/diagnosis for patients referred from the GPs, A&E,
NHS Direct or social services and if necessary rapid access on a 24 hour basis to short term treatment, therapy or necessary support and care in the patient’s own home.

Hospital at home an intensive support in the patient’s own home, including investigations and treatments. This can be used either as a means of avoiding an acute admission or to enable earlier discharge from hospital.

Residential rehabilitation a short-term programme of therapy and enablement in a residential setting, such as community hospital, rehabilitation centre, nursing home or residential care home, for people who are medically stable but need a period of rehabilitation to enable them to regain sufficient physical functioning and confidence to return safely to their own home.

Supported discharge involves a short-term period of nursing and/or therapeutic support in a patient’s home, typically with a contributory package of home- care and support services, to enable earlier transfer of their care from
acute hospital and complete their rehabilitation and recovery at home.

Day rehabilitation a short-term programme of therapeutic support, provided at a day hospital or day centre. It may be used in conjunction with other forms of intermediate care. Day hospitals can also provide a one-stop rapid response service with both specialist and multidisciplinary input.

Referral criteria
Criteria for referral to IC service are as follows: The patient must:
be over 16 years of age
be resident and registered with a GP within that PCT boundary
be a hospital inpatient at present or have attended A&E /required GP review at home within last 48 hours and a rehabilitation need identified
have a level of memory recall and motivation that allow active participation in a rehabilitation programme
have potential to improve physical functioning and/or regain independence
have been seen by a therapist and a rehabilitation need identified
give informed consent to receive the care.

Transitional care
Another component of ‘care closer to home’ services and is also provided in one of the designated local residential or nursing homes for a maximum period of up to six weeks.
The service facilitates:
appropriate and early discharge from hospital
reduction in number and length of delayed transfer of care
support of patients requiring a passive recovery period (convalescence), either prior to possible rehabilitation or commencement of longterm care package.
The person must meet the following criteria:
over the age of 55 years
be resident and registered with a GP within that PCT boundary
medically stable or declared fit to transfer
currently a hospital inpatient
has an identified aim, outcome and exit route at the point of referral.


Continuing care

NHS Choices Continuing Care

Continuing Care Checklist DH 2009


Hospital at home

Hospital at home


Respite care

Respite care


Long-term care


May be NHS funded or privately funded.

Sheltered accommodation, warden-controlled accommodation, elderly people’s home care
persons who are fully self-caring, but need companionship to help their loneliness and supervision of a warden in case they need any help.

persons who mainly need help for their activities of daily living from a healthcare assistant/carer with minimal nursing needs. Assessed by a social worker and this care is funded by social services.

Nursing home care this is suitable for persons who are largely nursing need dependent (e.g. patients on tube feeding, tracheostomy tube, etc.) and are usually fully dependent for their ADL.
Nursing home-care need is assessed by a social worker along with a nursing advisor and this care is funded by the healthservices.

EMI home care patients who have significant psychiatric problems (e.g. psychosis, depression, dementia, etc.) need placement in homes with input from specially trained professionals (carers, nurses and psychiatrists) and these are known as EM! (elderly mentally ill) homes. EM! homes can be residential homes or nursing homes depending upon the need of the patient.



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