
Glossary of Terms


Acidophilic cells stain pink or red with H&E

adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

A trophic hormone that stimulates the cells of the adrenal cortex to secrete their respective hormones


A hormone involved in sodium and water regulation by the kidneys

antidiuretic hormone

A hormone produced in response to high blood osmolality (solute concentration), which causes the kidney to produced more concentrated urine and thereby keeping more fluids in the body.


basophilic cells stain purple or blue with H&E staining


branching - the trachea bifurcates or branches into two primary bronchi


A hormone involved in calcium homeostasis


a layer of dense connective tissue that surrounds an organ and serves a protective function


a class of neurotransmitter - epinephrine and norepinephrine are major examples of catecholamines. Because they are secreted and released into the blood stream by the adrenal medulla, epinephrine and norepinephrine are considered hormones or neuroendocrine molecules.


A hormone involved in the body's stress response.


In the heart, depolarization is an electrical event in which the polarity of the membrane is reversed. This change in membrane polarity can trigger opening of nearby ion channels, which further transmits the signal.


specialized cell-to-cell junctions that provides flex and give to the tissue and allows the tissue to resist tearing


a cell that posesses two copies of each chromosome (2n)

elastic fibers

specialized connective tissue fibers that have the ability to stretch and recoil

endothelial cells

Layer of simple squamous epithelium lining the interior surface of the heart and blood vessels


female sex hormone


secretions are transported to the surface of an epithelial tissue or into a hollow organ


a specialized type of capillary that has small pores/holes allowing fluids and solutes to leave the blood vessel

follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)

A trophic hormone responsible for promotion of gamete production (sperm in males and oocytes in females). Stimulates androgen production (testosterone in males and estrogen/progesterone in females)

gap junctions

specialized cell-to-cell junctions that allow for transport of ions between two cells

glandular tissue

epithelial-derived cells that produce and secrete a product

glial cells

support cells in the central and peripheral nervous systems


A hormone produced in response to low blood glucose levels, responsible for releasing stored glucose.

growth hormone (GH)

a hormone involved in the regulation of growth and metabolism


a cell that posesses one copy of each chromosome (n)


A hormone produced in response to high blood glucose levels, responsible for storing excess glucose.

luteinizing hormone (LH)

A trophic hormone which stimulates androgen production (testosterone in males and estrogen/progesterone in females). In females, triggers ovulation.


female germ cell containing half the number of chromosomes (n) that somatic (body) cells contain (2n). Germ cells are haploid and somatic cells are diploid.


A hormone primarily responsible for stimulation of uterine contractions. Also serves as a chemical messenger governing social interactions.

pacemaker cells

Cardiac cells with unstable resting membrane potential, that spontaneously create action potentials at regularly-spaced intervals

parafollicular cells

para- (near, beside, around) and -follicular (follicle) = cells beside or near the follicle

parathyroid hormone

A hormone involved in calcium homeostasis.


viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites


arranged at a 90 degree angle


female sex hormone

prolactin (PRL)

a hormone whose most well understood function is in promotion of breast milk production. The role of prolactin in men is poorly understood.


remain in the organ, proliferate in the organ


structural framework

serous pericardium

a double membrane system made of the visceral pericardium (anchored to the heart) and the parietal pericardium (anchored to the wall of the cavity) separated by lubricating fluid


a type of lipid with a 4-ring chemical structure. Cholesterol is a classic example of a biologically relevant steroid


superior (supra-) to the kidney (-renal)

sympathetic nervous system

Part of the autonomic nervous system - that mobilizes the body during periods of stress or activity (fight or flight).

thyroid hormones

A hormone with numerous functions in the body, including growth and metabolism.

thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)

A trophic hormone that stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroglobulin precursors to T3 and T4 (thyroid hormone)


layers or zones of tissue in the adrenal cortex


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Anatomy and Physiology II: An Interactive Histology Atlas Copyright © by Juan Manuel Ramiro Diaz; Karen Wiles; Georgios Kallifatidis; Christina Wilson; and Soma Mukhopadhyay is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.