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Can you generate a table of content for an undergraduate business dissertation and supply some creditable sources?





Can you help to find research gaps in the academic sources regarding youth, mental health, social network, population strategy




My research question is: “How does the intersectionality of social networks and mental health impact mental health outcomes among youth? ” Can you search some creditable literature to support the topic with high citation rates?

  • – 还有其他吗?any more?
  • – 你能提供与社交网络相关的学术文献流吗?Can you give a stream of academic literature relevant to social network?
  • – 你能提供与青年心理健康相关的学术文献流吗?Can you give a stream of academic literature relevant to youth mental health?
  • – 你能提供与千禧一代相关的学术文献流吗?Can you give a stream of academic literature relevant to Millennium?



你能为上述文献做一个参考书目吗?Can you do a bibliography to above literature?



你能针对这些文献进行文献综述吗?Can you do a literature review around this stream of literature?

你能基于上述文献创建一个综合文献综述吗?Can you create a synthesis literature review on literature above?

你能为上面的综合文献综述添加文内引用吗?Can you add in-text citation for the synthesis literature review above?




在“社交网络与心理健康的交叉性如何影响青年的心理健康结果”的主题上,我如何制定一个定量研究设计?How can I make a research design adapting quantitative research design on the topic of the intersectionality of social networks and mental health impact mental health outcomes among youth?

你能提供一些可靠的来源来支持你的观点吗?Can you provide creditable sources to back up your points?



你好,ChatGPT,这是我的研究问题:”社交网络与心理健康的交叉性如何影响青年的心理健康结果?”你能帮助我进行一个定性研究设计吗?Hi ChatGPT, this is my research question “1. How does the intersectionality of social networks and mental health impact mental health outcomes among youth?” Can you help to carry out a qualiative research design for my topic?

有其他选择吗?Any alternatives?

你能为我的主题做一个案例研究设计吗?Can you do a case study research design for my topic?

你能为一个研究问题创建一个适当的案例研究设计,并对“社交网络与心理健康的交叉性如何影响青年的心理健康结果”进行文内引用吗?Can you create a proper case study research design with in-text citation for a research question on the intersectionality of social networks and mental health impact on mental health outcomes among youth?

你能用可靠的来源支持你的回答吗?Can you support your answer with creditable sources?



我如何在研究主题:“社交网络与心理健康的交叉性如何影响青年的心理健康结果?”上制定一个适应大数据分析和数据挖掘的研究设计?How can I make a research design adapting big data analysis and data mining on the research topic: How does the intersectionality of social networks and mental health impact mental health outcomes among youth?

你能给出一些可靠的来源来支持你的回答吗?Can you give some creditable sources to your answer?




你知道如何设计一个调查问卷吗?Do you know how to design a survey?

你能为我的研究假设设计一个调查问卷:“社交网络与心理健康的交叉性对青年的心理健康结果影响甚微”吗?Can you design a survey for my research hypothesis: the intersectionality of social networks and mental health impact on mental health outcomes among youth is weak?

你能基于上述信息创建一个调查问卷吗?Can you make a survey base on above information?



你知道如何根据研究问题草拟访谈问题吗?Hi GPT, do you know how to draft interview questions based on a research question?

研究问题是:社交网络与心理健康的交叉性如何影响青年的心理健康结果?The research question is: 1. How does the intersectionality of social networks and mental health impact mental health outcomes among youth?



你知道如何进行大数据挖掘吗?Do you know how to do big data mining?

你知道如何从社交媒体上收集评论数据吗?Do you know how to collect comment data from social media?




你能对文本应用情感分析吗?Can you apply sentiment analysis to the text:

您能否从您的情感分析中提出一些关键点?Can you make some key points out of your sentiment analysis?



您能否采用归纳逻辑来使用NER技术找出文本中的实体?Can you adopt inductive logic to find our entities of the text with NER technology:

您能列出上述实体吗?Can you list the entities above?



您能否采用归纳逻辑来使用自然语言处理技术找出文本中的关键短语?Can you adopt inductive logic to find keyphrases of the text with NLP technology:

您能列出所有的关键短语吗?Can you list all the keyphrases?



请在下面的文本中找出关键的商业关系:Please find key business relationships in the text below:



进行主题分析以生成以下文本的类别和核心类别:Carry out thematic analysis to generate categories and core categories of the following text:



您知道如何进行内容分析吗?Do you know how to conduct content analysis?

您能帮助进行内容分析吗?Can you help to conduct content analysis?

您能为文本生成编码方案吗?Can you generate a coding scheme for the text:

基于编码方案,您能否对给定文本进行内容分析?Based on the coding scheme can you conduct content analysis to the given text?

您能将您的分析列成一个清单吗?Can you make your analysis into a list?



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  • 智谱清言 千亿参数对话模型 网址:https://chatglm.cn/
  • 通义千问 进化的的AI大模型 网址:https://qianwen.aliyun.com/
  • 文心一言 百度研发 网址:https://yiyan.baidu.com/
  • 百川大模型 百川智能研发 网址:https://www.baichuan-ai.com/home
  • 星火认知大模型 科大讯飞研发 网址:https://xinghuo.xfyun.cn/
  • Xmind Copilot 一键拓展思路,高效生成文章 网址:https://xmind.ai/cn/


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