
22 Attribution

Introduction to Attribution

When you find a CC work you want to reuse, the single most important thing to know is how to provide attribution.

All CC licenses require that attribution be given to the creator.

  • Remember that unlike the CC licenses, CC0 is not a license but a public domain dedication tool, so it does not require attribution in its terms. Nevertheless, giving credit or citing the source is typically considered best practice even when not legally required.

How to give proper attribution:

  • The elements of attribution are simple, though generally speaking, the more information you can provide, the better.
  • People like to understand where CC licensed works come from, and creators like to know their names will remain attached to their works.
  • If an author has provided extensive information in their attribution notice, retain it where possible.

The best practice for attribution is applying the “TASL” approach.

  • T = Title
  • A = Author
  • S = Source
  • L = License

Unit 4: Using CC Licenses and CC-Licensed Works by Creative Commons CC- BY 4.0