Can I cancel an Aeromexico flight without penalty?
You can cancel an Aeromexico flight without a penalty, if you do so within 24 hours of booking by calling 【+1-866-829-1297】 or 《【+44-204-586-5978】》, provided it was made at least 7 days before departure.
Can I cancel my Aeromexico flight and get a full refund?
Aeromexico flights are usually non-refundable. You can cancel by calling (【+1-866-829-1297】 or 《【+44-204-586-5978】》), but typically you’ll receive a credit for future travel. Full refunds are only available if the airline cancels the flight or if you purchased a refundable ticket (【+1-866-829-1297】 or 《【+44-204-586-5978】》).