3 Peer Mentor Office Hours
One of the responsibilities of peer mentors is to hold office hours (a total of two hours) outside of class each week (with the exception of holidays and official campus closings). If possible, schedule Monday through Thursday, as more students are available these days. Typically, schedules are set for one hour two days per week. Please adhere to the following guidelines:
- Unless you have received an exception from the EEEC director, all office hours for face-to-face courses are to be held in the Library.
- If you are a peer mentor in an online course, you may meet virtually.
- Discuss with your professor the day(s)/times you will hold office hours. Once decided upon, share this information with students in the class.
- Outlook is an excellent tool to use to share office hours with students. If you aren’t sure how to use it, follow the instructions on this one-and-a-half-minute video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LniA0ShIuAU
- Send the Peer Mentor Coordinator an email (eeec@aum.edu) with your office hours information. The EEEC will create a document of all peer mentors’ office hours for our records.
- Encourage students to meet with you.
- After you meet with students, follow this link and let us know whom you met with and what topics were covered: https://aum.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bBAYFwnHOtQel7g
- During the last day of office hours for the semester, complete the post-semester survey. We are required to report to the Federal Department of Education, and the confidential information you provide in the survey is used for that purpose.
- The following are appropriate activities to be completed during this time:
- Meet with mentees. This can be 1:1 or in a group setting. Perhaps students need assistance with an assignment or other support. Feel free to walk your mentee to a student services office if they are in need (i.e., Counseling Center, Career Development Center, Warhawk Health Services, etc.).
- Email mentees to see how they are doing. You may want to confer with your professor first to determine what they would like for you to share with the student.
- Encourage students to get involved on campus, such as attending an event, joining a club, etc.
- Plan icebreakers or other activities for the class. Coordinate with your professor in advance.
- Prepare a brief lesson or presentation for students. Again, coordinate with your professor.
- Other course-related assignments given to you by your professor.
- You may work on your coursework if you have time after the above work is completed.
- Any EEEC or AUM requests