1 About the AUM Peer Mentor Program
The Peer Mentoring Program at AUM
The peer mentoring program at AUM is designed to facilitate the smooth transition of new students into university life by offering support, guidance, and information from experienced peers. Additionally, it enhances student retention and success rates by addressing academic and personal challenges through a supportive network. Peer mentors also benefit by developing leadership and communication skills, contributing to a positive and inclusive campus culture.
Peer Mentor Program Goals
- Embed a peer mentor into the classrooms of first and second-year courses that have presented a challenge to the academic success of AUM students
- Improve the pass rate within these courses
- Offer a rewarding experience for both peer mentors and their mentees
- Have a positive impact on student retention
Benefits to Students
- Students have an automatic support system in their peer mentor
- Students feel more connected to the campus community and establish a sense of belonging and support
- Peer mentors help students make a more successful transition to AUM
- Peer mentors can identify the appropriate campus resources and opportunities that can contribute to the student’s success
- Students can get help and advice about their courses from a peer’s perspective
Who are Peer Mentors and What do they do?
Peer mentors are AUM students who help guide and encourage fellow AUM students. They are leaders who act as a support system by helping students understand course material and class expectations. The role of a peer mentor can be compared to that of a teaching assistant who doesn’t grade.
Applicants selected to be peer mentors will be assigned to work with a faculty member and the students in a specific course approved by that academic department. The courses that they qualify to work in will be determined based on the courses they have successfully completed as well as their academic and professional goals.
- Build community within the classroom.
- Uphold the mission of Auburn University at Montgomery.
- Provide a student perspective on class discussions as appropriate.
- Encourage student reflection and growth.
- Assist in meaningful and engaging class activities/discussions (implementing active learning strategies, scheduling presentations/guest speakers, planning out-of-class activities, service-learning, and study groups) in collaboration with the instructor.
- Support students to academic success in the course.
- Complete pre- and post-semester surveys.
- Model appropriate behavior in and out of the classroom, including punctuality, attire, communication, and language appropriate for the classroom.
- Attend every class meeting and/or lab session for which you are assigned.
- Meet with the professor once per week.
- Hold office hours (two hours per week) to answer students’ questions about course material (e.g. homework) and other concerns. Remind students of these regularly.
- Organize study and other educational activities as requested by the professor.
- Reinforce class concepts and provide a positive student perspective.
- Attend and complete all scheduled training/meetings for peer mentors (EEEC and Department).
- Encourage engagement in AUM events with the class and attend with the group as appropriate.
- Connect students with AUM resources and services.
- Maintain confidentiality in accordance with relevant AUM policies, including FERPA and Title IX.
- Maintain open communication with the professor of the course to discuss the common needs/concerns of students.
- Maintain open communication with the administrative supervisor regarding hours, pay, etc.
- Support the professor with in-class tutoring and classroom instruction (e.g. facilitating group discussions).
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
Peer Mentors are:
- Dedicated to helping others succeed
- Interested in and compassionate towards your fellow AUM students
- Confident in your ability to lead
- Able to speak in front of a classroom of students
- Comfortable leading group discussions
- Able to provide explanations of course subject matter
- Active listeners
- Able to ask open-ended questions to draw mentees into a conversation
- Patient and positive
- Encouraging
- Genuine and honest in all interactions
- Cognizant of their own limitations and know when and to whom to refer mentees
- Resourceful and share personal experiences and strategies which may be helpful to mentees
- Supportive of mentees’ progress toward setting and achieving their goals.
Time Commitment
The time commitment for the fall and spring semesters is five hours per week per class for 15 weeks during the semester (75 hours) and seven hours of training and workshops (five hours pre-semester and two one-hour sessions during the semester in which you are employed). For the summer semester, mentors will work nine hours per week for eight weeks and attend seven hours of training and workshops (five hours of pre-semester workshops and two hours during the semester). Please make note of the following information:
- Peer mentors must attend training PRIOR to working.
- Peer mentors do not work when classes are out (holidays and official university cancellations)
- Peer mentors’ last day to work is the last regular day of classes. They do not work during finals.
Mentors may be asked to participate in various EEEC activities during the summer semester, such as Orientation, Welcome Week, Mentor/Mentee Meet & Greet, etc.
Selection Process
The EEEC posts job openings for Working Warhawk II- Peer Mentors. Once the application deadline is reached, all complete applications are forwarded to the candidate’s department(s) of interest. The hiring of a peer mentor is up to each department head. The EEEC will help walk them and department administrative associates through the selection and onboarding process.
Students interested in becoming a peer mentor must be a current AUM student who has completed the course in which they are to be a mentor with a B or higher. They must also have a GPA of 2.75 (minimum) and must have completed two full-time semesters at AUM.
There is no cost to departments for peer mentors. Salary and all additional costs for the peer mentor including costs associated with the hiring process and training are covered by the grant.
Students will receive $10.00 per hour for
- Five (5) hours of work per course section (2.5 hours in class, and 2.5 hours outside of class)
- Peer mentors deemed to be a Peer Mentor + Tutoring (Math and Biology mentors) will be compensated for 6.5 hours of work per Math or Biology course section
- AUM students may not work more than 20 hours per week.
Peer Mentor Training
All peer mentors are provided training by the EEEC. This training provides peer mentors with the foundational knowledge they need to be successful. It prepares peer mentors for scenarios they may encounter while working with their mentees and provides resources peer mentors will need to successfully aid their mentees.