Autobiographical subject matter: This section will focus on your extracurricular activities and interests. Choose a small number of non-academic activities that you enjoy pursuing in your free time. They can be hobbies, sports, outdoor activities, or other things of that nature. They do not need to be activities that correspond to an official club or organization, and they do not need to be related to college.
Logical skills involved:
- Representing the relationship between groups using Venn diagrams
- Interpreting the claims represented by Venns
Worksheet instructions:
For the 2-circle parts:
- Choose two different extracurricular activities, interests, or hobbies that you enjoy. Label the right-hand circle in each pair with a term that applies to people who engage in that activity. Notice that the left circle in each pair is already labeled, so all circles in the top section should be labeled.
- In the proposition below, fill in the blank with the same term as your right circle label. Then fill in the diagram to represent that proposition, starring or shading where needed.
For the 3-circle part:
- Label two of the circles (it doesn’t matter which) with the same two group terms as above. Then think of a third interest or activity you enjoy, and label the remaining circle with a term for people who engage in that activity.
- Given your labels and the diagram content that is already there, interpret the diagram and fill in the blanks below. Each answer should be a categorical propositions. Please write out the actual proposition in English (don’t just write A, E, I, O).
Using common sense and your actual knowledge of the world, indicate whether each of those categorical propositions is true or false.
Advice and things to keep in mind
It is crucial that your circles are labeled correctly. Each circle should be labeled with a term that applies to people (including you!) who engage in that activity. For example, either “stamp collectors” or “people who collect stamps” is fine – but “stamps” would not make sense in this context. (If the circle is labeled “stamps,” then just stamps themselves fall into the category represented.) Likewise, “collecting stamps” is an activity, not a group of people, so it wouldn’t be an appropriate label for a circle.
Interests Worksheet
Some college student is a _______________________
___________________________________________________ |
All ______________________________________________ are people who were born before 2016.
Proposition represented by the shaded region:
This claim is true/false (circle one).
Proposition represented by the starred region:
This claim is true/false (circle one).