


No: 0

Partly: 1-4

Yes: 5

The cover page contains all of the required information
“Biographical Information” worksheet is complete and filled out coherently, following all instructions
“Interests” worksheet is complete and filled out coherently, following all instructions
“Goal or Aspiration” worksheet is compete and filled out coherently, following all instructions
“Fallacy” worksheet is complete and filled out coherently, following all instructions
“A Challenge” worksheet is complete and filled out coherently, following all instructions
Permissions page is filled out and signed
Booklet is neat, legible, and stapled






Beginning: 1-3

Developing: 4-7

Accomplished: 8-10

Pages involving propositional logic have clear keys and symbolic formulas
Pages involving propositional logic contain valid proof steps and correct truth tables
Pages involving Venn diagrams are filled out clearly and accurately (circles labeled appropriately, statements in categorical proposition form, Venns done correctly, etc.)
Fallacy page is well-written, with a fallacy identified accurately and explained clearly
Overall, the booklet demonstrates an understanding of the logical principles involved and how to use them appropriately
Overall, the booklet provides the required information in a thoughtful, creative, and original way
TOTAL SCORE   (Out of 100) =


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Autobiography in Logic Copyright © 2018 by Allyson Mount is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.