Laboratory Excercises
Laboratory on the Early Hominins and the Genus Homo
Your Name ___________________________________________
- Sagittal crest Yes No
- Occipital torus Yes No
- Sagittal crest and Occipital torus Yes No
- Sagittal keel Yes No
- Occipital bun Yes No
- Sagittal keel and Occipital bun Yes No
- Dental Formula _______________________________
- Dental Formula _______________________________
- Please Identify: Male Female (hint: based on sagittal crest only)
- Please identify: Male Female (hint: based on sagittal and occipital features)
- Locomotion pattern Bipedal Brachiator Quadruped (hint: foramen magnum)
- Locomotion pattern Bipedal Brachiator Quadruped (hint: foramen magnum)
- Strongest olfactory senses 1 2 3
- Please identify Homo Australopithecus
- Please identify Human Non-Human
- Please identify Paranthropus Gracile Australopithecus
- Occipital bun present Yes No
- Largest brain 1 2 3
- Chin present Yes No
- Please identify if you are looking at Genus Homo (hint: based on craniofacial morphology and dental formula) Yes No