

Before the Session


If you are pressed for time, focus on the following:

Prepare (Download & Complete):

During the Session

NOTE: Please bring a laptop or other digital device which can connect to the internet. Please also ensure you have access to a copy of your course outline or syllabus.

The slides for this workshop are available here.

During this session we will discuss some of the following questions for consideration:

  • Is there value in student-to-student and student-to-instructor interaction in all courses regardless of discipline?
  • What role does interaction play in courses in which the emphasis is on declarative knowledge (e.g., introductory “survey” courses at the lower-division undergraduate level) or, similarly, in courses that cultivate procedural knowledge (e.g., technical courses requiring the working of problem sets)?
  • As you consider designing a blended learning course, what kinds of interactions can you envision occurring face-to-face, and how might you use the online environment for interactions? What opportunities are there for you to explore different instructional strategies in the blended course than you have in the past?
  • What factors might limit the feasibility of robust interaction face-to-face or online?



This workshop outline is a remix containing materials licensed under a variety of open licenses including:

  • derivative work of content from The BlendKit Reader, edited by Dr. Kelvin Thompson, available under a CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 license
  • original content written by JR Dingwall, from the Centre for Teaching and Learning, at the University of Alberta



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Blended Learning Handbook Copyright © 2016 by University of Alberta Centre for Teaching and Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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