

Perhaps it will be helpful at this point to consider how blended learning design principles are implemented in practice. It can be quite difficult to portray effectively the interplay between the various components of a well-integrated blended course. Such portrayals are not always easy to come by (Sometimes project summaries such as the Course Redesign Exemplars maintained by the National Center for Academic Transformation are as close as one can come). Below are a small collection of summaries of blended learning courses from many disciplines listed first by source, then by discipline. This book also includes two case studies in the following chapters, that are quite different in style, scope, and in subject matter/class size of the blended courses described.

University of Alberta Case Studies

This site provides examples from the University of Alberta’s Blended Learning Awards. These case studies are quite high in detail, and include sample media used in the blended courses as well as a description of what a typical week is comprised of in the various courses.

Re-designed Large-Enrollment Introductory Courses

The National Center for Academic Transformation provides a collection of case studies for a range of courses and disciplines including: statistics, algebra, psychology, biology, chemistry, Spanish, history, composition, and anatomy and physiology. Read more.

Other Descriptions of Blended Learning Cases


This chapter is a remix containing materials licensed under a variety of open licenses including:

  • original content written by JR Dingwall, from the Centre for Teaching and Learning, at the University of Alberta
  • derivative work of content from The BlendKit Reader, edited by Dr. Kelvin Thompson, available under a CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 license;


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Blended Learning Handbook Copyright © 2016 by University of Alberta Centre for Teaching and Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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