In this chapter we have reviewed the important role of interaction between and among students and instructors in blended learning courses. We have considered how technologies might be leveraged by instructors to guide student learning or used by students to express themselves in their self-initiated interactions with others. However, Wegmann and Thompson (2014) point out that “a daunting concern remains: how do instructors monitor and enhance students’ engagement in both [face-to-face and online] settings, while sustaining a viable blended course?” (p. 74). More systematic inquiry is needed on technology-mediated interactions in blended settings, but certainly, the evaluation of the efficacy of designed interactions must include the impact of those interactions on the assessment of learning. As we turn our attention in the next chapter to assessments of learning in blended learning contexts, we must remember to keep in view both the learning of the individual and the role of social learning.
This chapter is a remix containing materials licensed under a variety of open licenses including:
- derivative work of content from The BlendKit Reader, edited by Dr. Kelvin Thompson, available under a CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 license;