#6 - Patricia Rosemoor - DoYouHearWhatIHear1400,1887

Do You Hear What I Hear?

a Det. Shelley Caldwell “Hot Christmas” Novella


Patricia Rosemoor

New York Times Bestselling Author

Copyright © 2016   Patricia Pinianski

Cover Copyright © 2016   Patricia Pinianski


The song “Do You Hear What I Hear?” was written as a plea for peace during the Cuban Missile Crisis in the middle of the Cold War. Now Christmas is just around the corner, and live-in-lovers Shelley and Jake are in a cold war of their own. Detective Shelley Caldwell has all wonderful memories of Christmas, while Jake DeAtley, born of a mother turned vampire while pregnant with him, has none. They’ve come to a compromise inthat she can decorate “her half” of every room, but no Christmas tree. Then a case of hit-and-run leaves a dead body and a magical Christmas tree that Shelley can’t resist bringing home, heating up the war between her and Jake. There is more to the tree than either knows. When they discover the truth about it, will it bring them together or keep them farther apart?




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