List of terms and abbreviations
AECO: architecture, engineering, construction and operation of buildings
AI: Artificial Intelligence
Arc (graphs): directed edges
B: byte
BIM: building information modelling
BIM checker: computer program in which one primarily views and analyses a model
BIM editor: computer program in which one primarily develops and modifies a model
Bridge (graphs): an edge that divides a graph into two unconnected parts
CAAD (computer-aided architectural design): the discipline covering all aspects of computerization in AECO
CAD (computer-aided design): a category of software primarily aimed at the computerization of design representations, including engineering drawings (2D) and models (3D)
Center (graphs): the vertices with an eccentricity equal to the radius of the graph
Closeness of a vertex (graphs): its inverse mean distance to all other vertices in the graph
Connected graph: a graph in which each vertex connects to every other vertex by some sequence of edges and vertices
Co-termination: the condition of two entities (e.g. walls) having a common endpoint
Degree of a vertex (graphs): the number of edges incident to it
Degree sequence (graphs): sequence obtained by listing the degrees of vertices in a graph
DM: design management
Diameter (graphs): the greatest eccentricity of any vertex in a graph
Directed graph (or digraph): a graph in which edges have a direction (arcs)
Distance (graphs): the number of edges in the shortest path between two vertices
Eccentricity (graphs): the greatest distance between a vertex and any other vertex in a graph
Edge (graphs): usually a relation between two things (represented as vertices)
Even vertex (graphs): a vertex with an even degree
Exabyte (EB): 1,000 PB
Gigabyte (GB): 1,000 MB
Graphs: mathematical structures that describe pairwise relations between things
IFC (Industry Foundation Classes): a standard underlying BIM
IM: information management
In-degree (graphs): the number of arcs incoming to a node
IoT: Internet of things
Kilobyte (kB): 1,000 B
Leaf (graphs): a vertex with a degree of 1
LoD: level of development (or detail) in BIM
Megabyte (MB): 1,000 KB
MEP: mechanical, electrical and plumbing
Moore’s “law”: the number of transistors on a chip doubles every year while the costs are halved
MTC: mathematical theory of communication, formulated by Claude Shannon
Node (graph): synonym of vertex, used exclusively for digraphs in this book
Odd vertex (graphs): a vertex with an odd degree
Order (graphs): the number of vertices in a graph
Out-degree (graphs): the number of arcs outgoing from a node
Path (graphs): a sequence of edges and vertices in which no vertex occurs more than once
Periphery (graphs): the vertices with an eccentricity equal to the diameter of the graph
Petabyte (PB): 1,000 TB
PDF: portable document format
Radius (graphs): the smallest eccentricity of any vertex in a graph
Sink (graphs): synonym of terminal
Size (graphs): the number of edges in a graph
Source (graphs): a node with an in-degree of 0
Terabyte (TB): 1,000 GB
Terminal (graphs): a node with an out-degree of 0
Vertex (graphs): usually the representation of a thing
Walk (graphs): a sequence of edges and vertices
Yottabyte (YB): 1,000 ZB
Zettabyte (ZB): 1,000 EB