Contributor Bio – Ian Garrett

Ian Garrett 

is a designer, producer, educator, and researcher in the field of sustainability in arts and culture.  He is the director of the Centre for Sustainable Practice in the Arts and Associate Professor of Ecological Design for Performance at York University, where he is Graduate Program Director for Theatre, Dance and Performance Studies. He is producer for Toasterlab, a mixed reality performance collective and maintains a design practice focused on ecology, accessible technologies and scenography. Notable projects related to EcoScenography include the set and energy systems for Zata Omm’s Vox:Lumen at the Harbourfront Centre and Crimson Collective’s Ascension, a solar 150’ wide origami crane at Coachella. With Chantal Bilodeau, he co-directs the Climate Change Theatre Action.


The Business of Theatre: Pathways to a Career in Theatre Copyright © 2023 by Hope McIntyre. All Rights Reserved.

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