One Stop-Copyright Shop

The majority of Canadian Universities and Colleges have copyright information either through a copyright website, or through their libraries. This would also include an institutional fair dealing policy. If an Instructor finds that their University or College does not have any copyright information, one can look to the resources below for assistance. If you would like to suggest a resource to add to our compilation, drop us a line via our feedback form

Decision Trees/Evaluators

First-level Analysis (UBC)

Digital Licenses (UBC)

Queen’s University Fair Dealing Evaluator

Copyright Blogs

Michael Geist

Ariel Katz

Howard Knopf (Excess Copyright)


Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO)

Creative Commons

Canadian Universities/Colleges Copyright Sites

Queen’s University

University of British Columbia

Dalhousie University

Brock University

McMaster University

Bow Valley College

George Brown College

Mohawk College

University of Alberta

University of Waterloo

Open Education

The Open Access Classroom (Ryerson)



OER Commons


OpenStax College


Public Domain in Canada table


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Copyright and Digital Teaching Materials Copyright © 2017 by Sarah O'Byrne is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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