Image of bursting lights and quotation about gratitude from Robin Wall KimmererThis project was possible only because of the assistance of many people outside the class. Susan Blum would like to acknowledge Pressbooks for its vision in sharing resources; Laura Gibbs, David Buck, and Tineke D’Haeseleer for assistance and encouragement as our class created the book. This was possible through the affordances of Twitter, which I also here acknowledge. Throughout the semester we have been enriched by the generous presentations of Dr. Erika R. Hosselkus and Dr. David T. Gura, curators at the Hesburgh Library Rare Books and Special Collections, and of Scott Rinehart of ND Studios. This was my first Pressbooks adventure, but it won’t be my last!

The students of this course would like to thank our professor, Dr. Susan D. Blum, for guiding us in this learning community and promoting the exploration of creative ideas. We would also like to thank our fellow classmates for creating a positive and collaborative learning environment, as well as all of those who participated in our surveys, interviews, and investigative questions throughout the semester. Finally, we would like to thank the Notre Dame Anthropology department for providing us a classroom space in Corbett Family Hall where we could gather each week.


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Communication Complications Copyright © 2021 by susandblum; Anamaria C. Buschman; Angela K Betz; Anna Salem; Catherine M. Murdock; Cristina Ruiz; Gabriel Anibal Ramos; Hailey Oppenlander; Heidi Prebys; Holly Larson; Joseph Gates; Jowon Bang; Julia Quinn; Kathe Pribyl Pierdinock; Kelly C. O'Connell; Mikita Campbell; Rafael D. Kuc; Theresa M. Heidenreich; Veronica Navarro; and William Bona IV is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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