

A picture is worth a thousand words

A saying that suggests that images have more immediate power than words do

Action Verb

A verb that expresses action, especially in contrast to a linking verb, modal verb, etc.

Active Voice

Forms of a verb in which the subject is typically the person or thing performing the action and can take a direct object


Not existing or occurring at the same time


Ascribe a work or remark to (a particular author, artist, or speaker)

AUDIENCE acronym

Stands for Analysis, Understand, Demographics, Interest, Environment, Need, Context, Expectation


A concentration on or interest in one particular area or subject

Brand Management

The activity of supervising the promotion of a particular brand of goods


A medium for communication or the passage of information


A phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought


Purposeful and active exchange of information between two or more people to convey or receive the intended meanings through a shared system of signs and (symbols)

Communication Channels

A medium for communication or the passage of information


The psychological and psychosocial expectations of the source and the receiver(s)


The exclusive and assignable legal right, given to the originator for a fixed number of years to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material

Creative Commons

Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share; the organization has released several copyright licenses known as Creative Commons licenses free of charge to the public.

Crop(ping an image)

Refers to the removal of the outer parts of an image to improve framing, accentuate subject matter, or change aspect ratio. Depending on the application, this may be performed on a physical photograph, artwork, or film footage, or achieved digitally using image editing software.


Analyze and interpret a verbal or non-verbal communication or image

Digital Channel

(Channels) Involving or relating to the use of computer technology

Direct Feedback

A response that comes from the receiver


Convert into a coded form


To capture attention in order to distract and delight


The physical and psychological space in which the communication is happening; it might also describe if the space is formal or informal


A mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing


To form an idea of the amount, number, or value of; to assess

Expletive Pronoun

Expletive pronouns are called expletive because unlike other pronouns, they do not stand in place of a noun and are said to have no “value.” Expletives usually appear in the form of “There is/are ….” They are not to be confused with the passive voice.

External Feedback

Involves a getting then assessing a response from the receiver

Hidden Audience

People who are not expected to see your message but do see it


A representation of the external form of a person or thing in art

Indirect Feedback

A response that does not come directly from the receiver or source.


To raise awareness and/or understanding about a situation or issue

Information Richness

Information that conveys more non-verbal information is considered the most rich, followed by verbal communications, then written communications, which are the least rich.


Things that inhibit effective communication, such as poor lighting, audio, or image quality, also known as noise

Internal Feedback

Feedback one gets from oneself or from within one’s organization


Technical words and phrases common to a specific profession or discipline


A verbal, written, or recorded communication sent to or left for a recipient who cannot be contacted directly


Where verbs (actions) and adjectives are turned into nouns (person, place, thing)

Non-Verbal Channel

(Channel) Not involving or using words or speech


A word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things


The tone, pace, and volume of speech


To convince your audience to do something or take some action

Plain Language

Plain language writing aims to be clear and concise and makes sure the reader understands as quickly and clearly as possible

Prepositional Phrase

A modifying phrase consisting of a preposition and its object

Primary Audience

The intended audience; the person or people you have in mind when you decide to communicate something

Principal Communication Channels

Verbal, non-verbal, and written communication channels are the three principal communication channels

Public Domain

A work enters the public domain when the creator’s intellectual property rights have expired, been forfeited, or are inapplicable.

Public Relations

The professional maintenance of a favourable public image by a company, organization, or famous person


A person who gets or accepts something that has been sent or given to them


Elements of a piece of communication that do not (or no longer) add essential or useful information and, therefore, are not needed in conveying meaning

Response Rate

A rate at which a person or thing responds; specifically the proportion of questionnaires in a voluntary survey or study that receive a response, typically expressed as a percentage


A sum paid to a patentee for the use of a patent or to an author or composer for each copy of a book sold or for each public performance of a work

Search Engine

A program that searches for and identifies items in a database that correspond to keywords or characters specified by the user, used especially for finding particular sites on the World Wide Web.

Secondary Audience

People you could reasonably expect to come in contact with your message, even though it was not primarily intended for them


A type of language consisting of words and phrases that are regarded as very informal, are more common in speech than writing, and are typically restricted to a particular context or group of people


A place, person, or thing from which something originates or can be obtained


A supply or quantity of something accumulated or available for future use


A person or thing that is being discussed, described, or dealt with


The general character or attitude of a place, piece of writing, situation, etc.

Verbal Channel

(Channel) Relating to or in the form of words; spoken rather than written communication


Relating to seeing or sight

White Space

The blank areas of a page or other piece of printed matter, as margins, gutters between columns, etc., regarded collectively as an element of layout and design


Using or expressed in rather too many words

Written Channel

(Channel using) Mark (letters, words, or other symbols) on a surface, typically paper, with a pen, pencil, or similar implement


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