One piece of good news is that the software packages needed to support a Sales Process Engineering effort are all fairly standard. Following is the list of software normally used by The YPS Group in its SPE engagements:

  • Word – for the obvious uses.
  • Excel – again for the obvious uses. Unless you have looked, you may not realize the wide array of quite powerful statistical analysis functions contained in this program.
  • Access – for data storage and report generation. This is a basic, yet powerful relational data base.
  • FrontPage – for web development. Our Sales Knowledge Mines are built using this tool. If you already know Word, you can be building basic web sites in about two hours.
  • Visio – for diagramming like Cross Functional Flow Charts, Entity-Relationship Diagrams, etc. A bit challenging to learn, but worth the effort in time saved creating diagrams
  • Snitz – for online forums and bulletin boards. It’s good and it’s free!
  • Acrobat – for easy distribution of all documentation.


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