Answers to Comprehension Check from Chapter 1

  • Which characteristic is associated with an infant whose temperament is classified as a slow-to-warm-up infant?
    • Behavioral irritability
    • Decreased sensory threshold
    • Delayed adaptation to change
    • Prolonged sleeping patterns
  • What is the ultimate reason for understanding the significance of infant states?
    • Care can be individualized
    • States can be predicted
    • Stimuli can be adjusted
    • Temperament can be modulated
  • Which state of consciousness is identified when assessment determines that the infant’s eyes are open, with a dull, glazed appearance?
    • Active alert
    • Active sleep
    • Drowsy
    • Crying
  • Which state of consciousness is identified when assessment determines that the infant makes brief crying sounds, has some rapid eye movements, and exhibits irregular respirations?
    • Active sleep
    • Active alert
    • Drowsy
    • Crying
  • Which assessment would indicate that an infant is in the drowsy state?
    • Body activity is nearly still.
    • Breathing is smooth and regular.
    • Eyes are open, with a dull, glazed appearance.
    • Level of alertness increases with stimuli.
  • Most caregivers associate cuddliness behaviors with:
    • Affection
    • Alertness
    • Fatigue
    • Resignation
  •  What newborn reflex can facilitate dressing?
    • Babkin
    • Grasp
    • Placing
    • Stepping
  • Predictability is defined as:
    • Ability of caregivers to console their infants when they are in the crying state
    • Capacity of infants to adapt to their surroundings in a healthy, expected way
    • Clarity of behavioral clues through which infants make known their needs at a given time
    • Extent to which caregivers can reliably anticipate their infants’ behaviors from immediately preceding behaviors
  • The intervention by a caregiver would be least supportive to console a fussing infant would be:
    • Holding the infant’s arms close to the body
    • Picking up the infant
    • Talking softly to the infant
    • Unwrapping the infant
  • Which is NOT a reason for understanding developmental milestones is to:
    • Support individualized and intentional curriculum planning
    • Know when referrals should be made to Early Intervention or to other professionals
    • Diagnose autism spectrum disorder
    • Ensure developmentally appropriate practices in your childcare care setting
  • According to the AAP the safest place for a baby to sleep is in:
    • A bouncy seat
    • A safety approved crib
    • An infant car seat
    • A play pen
  • To prevent SIDS always place the infant up to 12 months in the crib:
    • next to a baby monitor
    • on her stomach near a door
    • on her back
    • swaddled in a blanket
  • It is extremely important to make sure the infant’s crib is free of any suffocation risk.  It is safe to use which item in an infant crib:
    • bumper pads
    • sleep positioning devices
    • blankets hung on the sides of the crib
    • a tight fitting sheet on a firm mattress
  • Goodness of fit is important because
    • It is a component in the emotional adjustment of an individual
    • A factor for culturally appropriate care
    • Helps to understand individual differences
    • All of the above


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