The Writing Process


Comparison and Contrast Diagram

Comparison and contrast diagram organized by subject and by point



Using the Comparison and Contrast Diagram as a model, identify the structure of organization in the sample essay, “Childhood: Memories from Deep Inside” in Appendix B.




Create an outline for each of the items you chose in Exercise 1 and Exercise 2.

  • Use the point-by-point organizing strategy for one of them
  • Use the subject organizing strategy for the other



The sample essay on Childhood in Appendix B has a variety of errors. Which ones can you identify and correct in the sentences below?

  • Bo lived in the countryside where left him many unforgettable memories. (Para 1)
  • That’s why Bo and me like the water of the countryside. (Para 3)
  • The countryside life made Bo and my childhood colorful, some of the same habits made our childhood full of happiness. (Para 5)
  • However, because of the war, Bo’s childhood is turbulence; because of the social and family, my childhood is comfort. (Para 5)

Comma splices are a common punctuation error for ESL students and native speakers of English. Which sentence in the box above contains a comma splice?

What are the possible ways to fix this error?

Find three more comma splices in the sample essay in Appendix B. Practice correcting this error in several ways.

To avoid these punctuation errors in your essays, please review


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Advanced Community College ESL Composition: An Integrated Skills Approach Copyright © by esl8awc; Jenell Rae; L. Jacob Skelton; Lisa Horvath; and Sara Behseta is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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