
I would first like to dedicate this book to my husband, Murat Recevik, for putting up with my dogged determination to write (by any means necessary) and teach to the best of my ability. Without his love and support this book would not be possible.

I would also like to acknowledge Drs. Jeff Driskell, Lisa Johnson, Katrin Križ, Jonathan Lukens and Barbara Slayter for their support and encouragement during the writing process, your collective knowledge, wit and wisdom kept me going! Many thanks, especially to Dr. Jeff Driskell for reviewing portions of this manuscript. Additional thanks go to Christine Moynihan, Gail Rankin and Dr. Roopsi Risam of Salem State University’s Open Educational Resources project for the summer grant they awarded to this project and for fabulous technical assistance and general support.

This book would not have been possible but for the 14 years worth of MSW students I taught in research methods, statistics and evaluation courses at Salem State University’s School of Social Work. These students were my inspiration for writing a stripped-down, plain language primer on practice evaluation for social workers.