
17 Online Engagement and Accessibility Review Checklist

Especially for online classes, consider using the items on this checklist to ensure your online class environment in D2L Brightspace is as engaging and accessibility as possible. See the D2L help and tutorial pages for more information and assistance.

D2L Brightspace Engagement and Accessibility Review Checklist

1. Student Engagement

Course Structure & Organization

  • Are modules and submodules clearly structured and consistently formatted?
  • Do module descriptions provide context and expectations for students?
  • Are learning objectives included at the beginning of each module?

Active Learning & Interaction

  • Are Discussion Boards used effectively (e.g., clear prompts, instructor participation, group discussions)?
  • Does the course leverage D2L interactive elements (e.g., quizzes, surveys, checklists, release conditions)?
  • Are students required to apply knowledge through case studies, projects, or self-check activities?

Instructor Presence & Feedback

  • Are Announcements used effectively to guide students and maintain presence?
  • Does the instructor provide timely and constructive feedback via Assignments, Discussions, or the Gradebook?
  • Are students encouraged to use D2L’s messaging tool or discussion forums to ask questions?
  • Are there opportunities for peer interaction, such as peer review assignments or group activities?

2. Navigation & Usability

Overall Course Navigation

  • Is the course homepage well-organized with important links (e.g., Syllabus, Office Hours, Help Desk)?
  • Is there a Getting Started module with a course overview, syllabus, and expectations?
  • Do modules follow a logical sequence, and is content easy to locate?
  • Are instructions for assignments and discussions clear and easy to follow?

Content & Technology Use

  • Are HTML pages used effectively instead of just linking to external PDFs or Word docs?
    • Use HTML pages for primary course content (lectures, instructions, learning materials) to enhance accessibility and navigation.
    • Use PDFs/Word docs only when necessary, such as for printable handouts, detailed readings, or highly formatted materials like official syllabi.
    • If PDFs or Word docs must be used, ensure they are accessible (tagged PDFs, alt text for images, structured headings).
  • Are videos and multimedia embedded directly in D2L instead of requiring unnecessary clicks?
  • Do all external links work properly and open in a new tab when necessary?
  • Are assignment instructions included in both the module and the Assignments tool?
    • In D2L Brightspace, it’s considered best practice to include assignment instructions in both:
      1. The Module (Content Area) – So students see the assignment in context while working through the course materials.
      2. The Assignments Tool (Dropbox) – So students can easily locate the assignment when submitting their work.


  • Does the course function well on the Brightspace Pulse mobile app?
  • Do videos, PDFs, and discussions load correctly on mobile devices?

3. Accessibility

Text & Readability

  • Are Headings (H1, H2, H3) properly used in HTML content for screen readers?
  • Is font style and size readable (sans-serif, 12pt+ for body text)?
  • Is there sufficient color contrast for readability?

Multimedia & Alternative Formats

  • Do all videos have captions or transcripts?
  • Are images accompanied by alt text for screen readers?
  • Are PDFs text-selectable (not just image scans)?

Interactive Elements & Assessments

  • Are quizzes designed for accessibility (e.g., extended time options, keyboard navigation)?
  • Are timed quizzes reasonable for different learning needs?
  • Are discussions structured to include multiple ways of participation (e.g., video, text)?

General Compliance

  • Has the course been checked with D2L’s Accessibility Checker in the HTML editor?
  • Is information about accommodations and student support services easy to find?

Final Considerations

  • Are there any barriers to engagement, navigation, or accessibility that should be addressed?
  • Are there areas where clarity or consistency could be improved?
  • Are there strong elements that should be highlighted as best practices?