And you can’t help but wonder if this is a new level of arrogance for Trump. There are a number of headlines since they rammed through credibly accused sexual assaulter, Brett Kavanaugh, that suggest Trump is feeling even more arrogant and unaccountable than usual.

UPDATE: Since the Democratic House was sworn in he’s only gotten worse-why not as Pelosi has made it so abundantly clear she doesn’t want to hold him accountable-thinks it’s bad politics?

Hopefully the Dem base and activists will give the House Dems an #ImpeachmentAugust.


The MSM is expecting the Democrats just to greet this outrageously rigged process with quiet resignation and an anxiousness to ‘move on’ and ‘get past’ it. In this the media is dreaming. They had wrongly thought Democrats would ‘just get over’ the rigging of the 2016 election and that prediction was 180 degrees from reality.

UPDATE: To be sure I should have distinguished between the Dem base and the timid Dem leaders playing poor man’s political calculus-Pelosi is now declaring ‘Trump will be held accountable’-how? Impeachment is the only way-winning an election, assuming they do, isn’t holding him accountable. The Dem leaders clear did just get over Kavanaugh and have done everything to normalize this fake ‘President.’

We are angry and our righteous rage and indignation will not dissipate. For anyone who worries they won’t stay angry just listen to the way Trump, McConnell, Kellyann Conway and friends are-far from trying to be conciliatory in victory doing everything they can to rub our noses in it.

After giving millions of women the raspberry, the GOP is now determined to rub their faces, to rub all of our faces, in excrement. 

Beyond the gloating, Trump has taken a number of actions that just scream abuse of power.  Speaking of which, there’s an estimate that 40% of the #NeverTrumpers are now #ActuallyTrumpers after the Kavanaugh fiasco-I know, Michael Avenatti made them do it. Apparently maybe even Rod Rosenstein is now an #ActuallyTrumper.

FN: Just like the song says you ain’t seen nothing yet. 

and as it turned out when I wrote this chapter back in early October, 2018 we hadn’t seen anything yet-later we’d learn of Rosenstein’s promises to Trump of ‘landing the plane’ and praise for ‘the humor and courtesy shown in our private conversations-Chapter A for more.

Considering that Kavanaugh was selected by Trump specifically to protect him from Russia, this is especially outrageous.

And now we hear that Trump’s Rose Woods-Hope Hicks-is coming back to work for him despite being a very important witness in the Mueller probe. 

Ok to be sure, Trump was talking about doing this for months. But this is an example of something that he may have been planning to do at some point but he does it now for a particular reason-the reason being perhaps to strut.

“Fox has named former White House Communications Director Hope Hicks as its chief communications officer, in a move that underscores its closeness with the Trump Administration. Hicks will lead communications for “New” Fox, a media company whose assets include Fox broadcasting and Fox News, following the pending sale of 21st Century Fox to the Walt Disney Co.

“The former model joined Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and was considered one of his most trusted advisors, with broad access to the Oval Office. She resigned from the administration in February, after she admitted to telling white lies in her testimony before the House Intelligence Committee.”

As Hicks resigned, expressing gratitude to Trump, he heaped praise on her, saying she was “as smart and thoughtful as they come, a truly great person. I will miss having her by my side.”

So Fox News was already official Kremlin state tv in the ‘President Trump’ era, and now they are hiring the faux ‘President’s PR person.

“Hicks’ appointment is another example of the coziness between Fox and the Trump Administration. Earlier this summer, Bill Shine, the former co-president of Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network, joined the White House staff as deputy chief of staff for communications.”

“Fox News was the administration-friendly platform where Trump’s embattled Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, addressed allegations of sexual misconduct from high school and college in a rare interview in the midst of the confirmation process.”

Where does Fox News end and the Trump Russia House begin? As is said, Trump’s top adviser is actually Sean Hannity. They have coordinated so many stories together-one of the most outrageous being that time the coordinated in fomenting the Seth Rich hoax that the DNC was behind his murder.

UPDATE: The Mueller Report was able to establish that the Seth Rich Conspiracy was a despicable hoax concocted by-Julian Assange. 


Assange himself fanned the flames, implying without evidence on multiple occasions that Rich may have been the source of the emails and even offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of Rich’s killer. As the Mueller report states, these public statements were “apparently designed to obscure the source of the materials that WikiLeaks was releasing.” As Assange was attempting to pin the blame on Rich, he was also in communication with his actual source for the purloined emails—Russian intelligence, per the report.”

Who was this Congressman-Dana Rohrbacher?


“It’s not unusual for communications executive, trained in the crucible of Washington, D.C., to land jobs in Hollywood. Former Clinton White House Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers now serves as executive vice president of corporate communications for Warner Bros. Entertainment. James E. Kennedy, former deputy assistant to President Clinton and former deputy press secretary for Vice President Al Gore, heads corporate communications at News Corp.”

“But Hicks’ elevation nonetheless drew criticism from media watchdog Media Matters for America, which interpreted the news as a a sign that Fox would more closely align with Trump’s communications apparatus as a partisan megaphone for the administration.”

“Hope Hicks taking a c-suite position at Fox is another reminder that Fox is not a news network, but rather a partisan propaganda operation dedicated to serving Trump’s interests — and that operation is gearing up for 2020,” said Media Matters President Angelo Carusone.

And where does this fit in with the Mueller probe where a major witness is back working for the subject of the investigation?

Well start with the fact that in early 2018, Trump’s spokesman, Mark Corallo testified to Mueller that he overheard Hicks promising to destroy evidence in Trump-Russia. If true, that’s a felony scandal.

FN: She wasn’t charged by Mueller though at this point the House Dems want her to come back and clarify her recent testimony before Judiciary-Chapter A for more.

“Early in 2018, former Trump legal team spokesman Mark Corallo testified to Robert Mueller that he overheard Hope Hicks promising to destroy evidence in the Trump-Russia scandal. If true and provable, that would represent felony obstruction of justice on Hicks’ part, and she’d be looking at prison. Shortly after this revelation, the Trump-controlled House Intelligence Committee hauled in Hicks to testify. From the outside, it very much appeared that Trump was having his puppets poke around to try to figure out if Hicks was flipping on him. That’s where the trail went cold.”

FN: It seems pretty clear based on her more recent testimony that she has not flipped on him-she engaged in tortured legal games to say as little as possible with her lawyers essentially declaring absolute immunity on anything regarding her time at the Russia House-even for trivial questions like how close her office was to the ‘President’s.’

The thing is, it’s generally difficult to land a new high profile job if you’re in danger of going to prison. In fact we’ve seen this before. Last October, White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus (who had resigned months earlier) was reportedly “champing at the bit” to hurry up and testify to Robert Mueller. Almost immediately after testifying, Priebus took a new job as president of a prestigious law firm. This meant that Priebus came out of his testimony confident that he wasn’t going to be criminally charged. Later, we learned that Priebus had given his personal notes to Mueller. In hindsight, this kind of cooperation was probably what left Priebus feeling confident that he was a free man. So what does this have to do with Hope Hicks?”

“After resigning from the White House, Hope Hicks waited six months before taking this new high profile job. So why now? What made her decide this month, and not back in February, to take a new gig? Did something just happen between her and Robert Mueller? It felt all along like she had decided to flip on Donald Trump; in fact that seemed a given once she resigned in the manner that she did. In any case, she now seems pretty sure she’s not going to prison. And when an eyewitness has told prosecutors that you committed a serious felony, there are only two ways you can be sure you’re not going to prison: either you proved to prosecutors that you didn’t do it, or you flipped.”

Time will tell what’s going on here but it’s true that unless she’s confident she won’t be charged, Trump’s Rose Woods is taking a heck of a chance.

FN: Maybe if Mueller were a more aggressive prosecutor this would have been true. But his indictment/declination decisions were extremely conservative-how else do you explain not charging Don Jr for the Trump Tower Russian Collusion meeting?

It’s pretty clear that not just Trump but Trump’s co-conspirators faced a pretty lenient, forgiving reading of the law.


October 28, 2016: a Day That Will Live in Infamy Copyright © by . All Rights Reserved.

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