“By the way, there’s this misunderstanding that I actually met that person, because I lied to the campaign about it, where I toldthem I just met the Russian ambassador, my good friend, Mifsud,all these — I never met the Russian ambassador, just to make thatcompletely clear


So in his own words and by his own testimony the Coffee Boy’s a confirmed and admitted liar yet unlike Michael Cohen, no one in the MSM treats him that way. When Cohen says anything the MSM talking heads immediately but out the disclaimers that Cohen is a liar and a perjurer ignoring the fact that so is Papadopoulos. Yet right after Barr’s fake exoneration letter Ari Melber had the glorified Coffee Boy on his show and didn’t make any suggestion that he is after all an admitted liar and perjurer.

Indeed, the premise of the show seemed to be that somehow Trump’s fake ‘vindication’ that ‘SmartSet’ had falsely amplified 1000 fold was also a vindication of Papaodpoulos and Carter Page which makes no sense as none of the half sentence of Mueller’s’ own words Coverup Bill Barr was willing to quote said a word about Page or Papadopoulos-yet Melber treated them as somehow also cleared and vindicated. As noted in Chapter A Melber actually did get quite a scoop-that the whole basis of Papadopoulous meeting his wife was Mifsud-he approached her to see what she knew about The Professor.

But Melber didn’t connect any of the obvious dots-that this was a quite stunning ‘coincidence’ and allowed the Coffee Boy to basically take a victory lap-they loved me in prison, it’s Trump Country. 

Despite Ari’s catch phrase for guests-I’m going to push you on that-he didn’t push admitted perjurer-his perjury was about when he actually met Mifsud-on anything. Indeed, his own theory that the Deep State set him up is more absurd than any allegation about the Trump-Russia conspiracy.

Just this week Melber referred to Carter Page as ‘cleared.’ Based on what exactly? It’s as if any allegation about Trump and Russia has now been found to be 100% false simply because he wasn’t criminally charged with conspiring with the Russian government-but what about cutouts like Wikileaks or nonchargeable collusion and coordination?

Certainly what we already know about Papadopoulos just based on public information is pretty damning, yet Melber uncritically let’s yet another Trump co-conspirator take a victory lap.


Which is absurd-just because Trump’s collusion wasn’t criminally charged doesn’t change the fact that Trump colluded. His not being charged is a mere technicality. Think of it this way-if you’re very sick and bedridden and then the doctor does some tests and says ‘Great news: NO CANCER AND YOU ARE NOT TECHNICALLY PARALYZED!’ is that actually great news? No doctor would say that as it’d be cruel.

Call it what you want but whatever you want to call it you’re still bed ridden and very sick. Your condition hasn’t improved one iota by this allegedly great news. Despite Barr’s half sentence from Mueller Russia still interfered on Trump’s behalf and helped him be elected. This is why I don’t consider him legitimate-wether he colluded at all with Russia-in reality as Schiff says, we know he did-or not Russia-and the anti Clinton FBI agents-still put him there.

He’s no more legitimate after Barr’s cherrypicked words meant to con Melber-Dilanian and Friends, it’s even worse as they are acting as if somehow he is: today Trump became President. 

Again, in fact we know of plenty of coordination and collusion-beginning with Roger Stone-Jerome Corsi-Wikileaks.


October 28, 2016: a Day That Will Live in Infamy Copyright © by . All Rights Reserved.

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