Vocabulary: Booking a Hotel
Male nouns:
но́мер [nomyer] = a number, a hotel room
оте́ль [atel’] = a hotel
Female nouns:
бронь [bron’] = a reservation, a confirmation (number)
Neutral nouns:
заброни́ровать [zabranirovat’] = to book (a room or a car rental)
Ско́лько бу́дет сто́ить? [Skol’ka budet stoit’?] = How much is that? (lit. How much will that cost?)
Вы берёте ка́рта ви́за? [Vy beryote karta viza?] = Are you taking a visa card?
Да́та го́дности. [Data godnasti] = Expiration date.
Ва́ша бронь была́ по́слана на ваш еме́йл. [Vasha bron’ byla poslana na vash email.] = Your reservation (confirmation number) was sent to your email.
Уже́ получи́л. [Oozhe palucheel] = I already received it. (if you are a male)
Уже́ получи́ла. [Oozhe palucheelah] = I already received it. (if you are a female)
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