

Welcome to the Framework BlogBook!

This copy of the book, for all that it’s live on the Internet, is a bit rough around the edges. The Framework BlogBook was always intended to be a living document, and in that spirit I’ve hustled it out onto the Internet “scarce half made-up” in order to get to talking about it right away.

The substantive content of the BlogBook is complete; all of the “meat” is there. I’ve also made a quick pass for grammar and to avert disastrous overstatement. However, the bells and whistles leave much to be desired. To whit:

  • Some phrasing needs re-cooked, and substantial chunks of the middle need to be rewritten; in particular, the pivotal chapter “An Overview of the 9 Dispositions” will likely be broken out into 10 or more individual chapters
  • General formatting needs a lot of work throughout the book, and I’m not 100% sold on this particular font
  • Links will need to be added to the SubStack and Twitter accounts I’ll be making shortly to perform in concert with this book
  • And much, much more

As it stands, however, the Framework BlogBook is substantively complete; you can consider this incarnation a “Minimum Viable Product”, if you like. I’ll be revising it continuously, and hope to have it decorated and cleaned up shortly. In the meantime, read on! I stand by 100% of the contents, and those contents I refuse to stand by I will promptly and stealthily edit into oblivion as soon as you bring them to my attention.

-James Ray


The Framework BlogBook Copyright © by James Ray. All Rights Reserved.