The following are examples of student-delivered speeches.

The first is an example of an Informative speech, the second is a Persuasive speech using Monroe’s Motivated Sequence, and the third is a special occasion speech, a student imagining their death and delivering their own eulogy.


Informative Speaking – National Speech and Debate Association, 2017

Nationals 2017 – Jordyn Allen “The Birds and the Weaves” – Informative Speaking – YouTube


Persuasive Speaking, using MMS – student of MTSU, Fall 2020

Persuasive Speech – Why We Should Use Social Media Less – YouTube


Special Occasion Speaking – student of MTSU, Fall 2021

Daysen’s FAKE eulogy – YouTube


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Fundamentals of Public Speaking Copyright © by Katie Gruber is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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