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This chapter we learned about compound nouns! Here is a video that talks about other “funny” things about the German language. Interested to learn when one would say “Nöö!” or “Boah!“? Watch this video!


Tiny house  

Do Germans also like the concept of a “Tiny House”?
What are “Hausschuhe“? Watch this
video to find out the answers.


German outlets  

What differences are there between homes in Germany and North America? Watch this video to find out the answers.


door handle  

Are you curious about the inside of a typical German apartment? –  Watch this video to find out the answers.


Extra Practice (optional): These activities are from the website Schubert-Verlag.

Wohnen in Deutschland

Meine neue Wohnung

In der Wohnung

Akkusativ oder Dativ

Die Wohnungseinrichtung

Wer wohnt wo?

Die neue Wohnung von Bettina

Annas neue Wohngemeinschaft (Hören)

Media Attributions

  • Duden_Logo_2017.svg
  • Rolling_Tiny_House_mit_Pelletofen_auf_PKW-Anhänger
  • power-outlet-g51816d211_1920
  • door-handle-gfb3363263_1920


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Willkommen: Deutsch für alle Copyright © 2020 by Claudia Kost and Crystal Sawatzky is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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