
Einheit 1.8 (online)

Sheep with long hair blowing in the wind  

Palm trees
In Meersburg (am Bodensee) ist das Klima sehr mild. Dort wachsen sogar Palmen.

H5P activity icon Übung 1

H5P activity icon Übung 2. Read through the presentation and then answer the questions at the end of it.

grammar icon Grammatik

Conjugation of “sein” and “haben”

These two verbs are used frequently and are irregular verbs. They must be memorized!

sein haben
ich bin I am ich habe I have
du bist you are du hast you have
er/sie/es ist he/she/it is er/sie/es hat he/she/it has
wir sind we are wir haben we have
ihr seid you (pl.) are ihr habt you (pl.) have
sie/Sie sind they/you (formal) are sie/Sie haben they/you (formal) have

*ACHTUNG* Just because we now know “I am …” or “I have …” doesn’t mean we can just translate from English into German. One of the biggest mistakes that language learners make is to think you can just translate from one language into the other.

For example: How are you? I am good.

You may want to say:

Wie bist du? Ich bin gut.

This does NOT work in German. Remember what we learned in 1.1 and 1.5:

Wie geht es dir? Mir geht es gut. 

You will learn other expressions like this through out the book.

chalk board with German pronouns (ich, du, er, sie, es, wir, ihr, sie, Sie)

grammar icon Grammatik

Personal Pronouns

Personal Pronouns refer to the person or thing which performs the action expressed by the verb. Pronouns stand in for nouns when it is clear who is being talked about. For example, when you want to talk about a person without repeating their name, you use a personal pronoun. You have already seen all these pronouns used in sentences.

ich I
du you (informal singular)
er/sie/es he/she/it
wir we
ihr you (informal plural)
sie they
you (formal singular & plural)


Was sprichst du? Ich spreche Englisch und Deutsch.

Joaquin kommt aus Peru. = Er kommt aus Peru.

Olena ist Ukrainerin und Kanadierin. = Sie ist Ukrainerin und Kanadierin.

H5P activity icon Übung 3

H5P activity icon Übung 4

grammar icon Grammatik

Conjugation of Verbs (1)

Here is a list of some of the verbs we have used so far in Einheit 1. Please begin to practice and memorize these verbs. Notice anything similar about the endings of the verb stem? You can click on the infinitive forms of the verbs to see what their English translation would be.

Pronomen kommen wohnen
ich komme wohne lebe heiße spreche
du kommst wohnst lebst heißt sprichst
er/sie/es kommt wohnt lebt heißt spricht
wir kommen wohnen leben heißen sprechen
ihr kommt wohnt lebt heißt sprecht
sie/Sie kommen wohnen leben heißen sprechen

The underlined portion of the infinitive is the “verb stem”. The process of making sure that the verb and pronoun correspond is called conjugation. 

H5P activity icon Übung 5. Click on the correctly conjugated verb.

H5P activity icon Übung 6

external link icon Wortschatz in Quizlet:


Monate und Jahreszeiten



Quiz icon Take Quiz 4 on Canvas.

Extra Practice (optional):

video icon Video Serie – Nicos Weg
If you want extra practice on “languages”, click on the
link and watch the video. Then click on “start” under the video and do the exercises.

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  • Schaf ohne Locken
  • star
  • light-bulb
  • board-1527805_1920
  • check mark
  • play


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