Einheit 2.10 (online)
Das bin ich …
Watch the following video from Easy German. The first time just listen and read the subtitles when needed. Watch the video again and fill in the chart about 5 of the people we met. You can pause the video while watching to write in the German words. You do not need to write full sentences. You need this information for the activity below.
(Wie heißt du?) |
(Woher kommst du?) |
(Wo wohnst du?) |
(Was ist dein Beruf?) |
(Was ist dein Hobby?) |
Rosi | Gastronom | |||
Julie | Bier trinken | |||
Lui | München | |||
Eckbert Stein | Berlin | |||
Pauli | Studentin |
Übung 1
Menschenporträt: Alison and Chris
Alison and Chris studied at the University of Alberta. Watch the video they made for you and answer the questions.
Achtung: Zahnmedizin = dentistry
Wortschatz in Quizlet:
Take Quiz 9 on Canvas.
Schreiben Sie Fragen für ein Interview.
Preparation for Task 2: Beschreibung einer Mitstudentin/eines Mitstudenten
For this task, you will describe one of your classmates in writing. This task consists of three parts:
Part 1: First you will prepare a list of questions at home to ask about their personal information (name, age, where they come from and where they live), languages, subject of study, main hobbies, likes and dislikes, etc.
Part 2: Then you will interview a classmate in class (Einheit 2.13) and write down their answers.
Part 3: At home (Einheit 2.14), you will then write a paragraph (120 words minimum) with the information you obtained.
Media Attributions
- play
- document
- star
- check mark
- pen
- keyboard