
Einheit 3.4 (online)

H5P activity icon Übung 1

external link icon Eigenschaften. Hier sind noch mehr Eigenschaften. Sie sind vielleicht hilfreich. 

H5P activity icon Übung 2 (refresher on
Possessive Determiners)

H5P activity icon Übung 3

grammar icon Grammatik


Please work through the following presentation to learn about the subordinating conjunction “weil”.

Subordinating Conjunction “weil

H5P activity icon Übung 4

external link icon Wortschatz in Quizlet:



Quiz icon (Es gibt kein Quiz für 3.4)

task icon Task 3: Wichtige Personen in meinem Leben

Part 1: In 3.1 and 3.3 you already made a list of the important people in your life and described them. Now pick one of these people and prepare an oral presentation. Please describe the person, your relationship to them, what they look like, their characteristics, etc. In 3.11 or 3.13 you will briefly present “your” person to the class. This presentation should be ca. 2 minutes. Please show a picture of “your” person.

This task will be assessed according to the rubric on Canvas.

Media Attributions

  • star
  • light-bulb
  • check mark
  • keyboard


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