Einheit 3.8 (online)

Outside of a "Kaufhaus"

H5P activity icon Übung 1

grammar icon Grammatik

Cases: The Accusative

Please work through the following presentation to learn about the accusative case.

Cases: The Accusative

H5P activity icon Übung 2

presentation icon Was kann man im Kaufhaus kaufen?

H5P activity icon Übung 3. Look at the chart below and then click on to the correct answer in the activity below.

Thomas Leonie Lilly & Frank
der Hockeyschläger + +
das Videospiel +
die Handschuhe +
die Sportuhr +
der Fernseher +
die Bilder +
das Armband +

H5P activity icon Übung 4

H5P activity icon Übung 5

external link icon Wortschatz in Quizlet:

Im Kaufhaus

Im Kaufhaus (plurals)

Quiz icon Take Quiz 13 on Canvas.

Media Attributions

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  • star
  • light-bulb
  • presentation icon
  • check mark


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