Einheit 6.5



Was haben Sie schon gelernt?

Wer? Wie? Wo? Was? Beschreiben Sie die Bilder.

William Turner Painting (see link to an article about the picture in the shared document)
William Turner “The Lorelei Rock” (1817)
Lorelei sitting on the top of the rock cliff overlooking the Rhine river
Theodore Kaufmann “Lorelei” (1874)

Was wissen Sie über die Loreley?


Was passiert hier?

Loreley sitting on the cliff overlooking the Rhine and a man in a boot down on the river looks up at her
H. Hoffmann (1965)

Wo sitzt Loreley?


Was macht der Mann im Boot?


Was passiert mit ihm?


Wie ist die Stimmung?

Media Attributions

  • presentation icon
  • group
  • William Turner Loreley Rock
  • Theodore Kaufman Lorelei
  • Loreley_Hoffmann


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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