Einheit 7.9

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Die Wohlfahrtsmarke (charity stamp)

Wohlfahrtsmarken are a special type of commemorative or special issue stamp used to raise money for charitable organizations by adding a surtax to the regular postage. They have been published biannually in Germany since 1949. In the 1960s, several series featured fairy tale motifs from the Brothers Grimm.

Brothers Grimm stamp


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The Frog King / The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids / Sleeping Beauty / Cinderella / Hansel and Gretel / Mother Holle / Little Red Riding Hood / Snow White / The Star Money

Rotkäppchen Stamp Hänsel und Gretel Stamp Schneewittchen Stamp
Der Wolf und die sieben Geisslein Stamp Aschenputtel Stamp Froschkönig Stamp
Dornröschen Stamp Frau Holle Stamp Sterntaler Stamp


Media Attributions

  • group
  • book
  • DBP_1959_325_Wohlfahrt_Sterntaler
  • DBP_1960_340_Wohlfahrt_Rotkäppchen
  • DBP_1961_369_Wohlfahrt_Hänsel_und_Gretel
  • DBP_1962_387_Wohlfahrt_Schneewittchen
  • DBP_1963_409_Wohlfahrt_Wolf_und_Geisslein
  • DBP_1965_487_Wohlfahrt_Aschenputtel
  • DBP_1966_524_Froschkönig
  • Stamps_of_Germany_(BRD)_Wohlfahrtsmarke_Dornröschen_1964_15_Pf
  • DBP_1967_539_Frau_Holle
  • DBP_1959_324_Wohlfahrt_Sterntaler


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