
Einheit 9.14 (online)

happy and sad face emoji (sad face has a check mark)

H5P activity icon Übung 1: Zum weißen Schwan.


external link icon Wortschatz in Quizlet:


task icon Task 3 Oral Presentation: Regionale Spezialitäten

For your oral presentation, you will research a regional food or beverage from the German-speaking countries.

In your presentation, describe the food/beverage, how it is made, what it consists of, in what region it is consumed, any historical background you may find about its origins, etc. You can also research an item that has different names in different regions and tell us about that.

Your presentation should be no longer than four slides: include some images and short text in bullet points. You should speak for approximately 2 minutes. Do not copy text from any websites that you visit. You will present in class.

This oral presentation will be assessed according to the Rubric for Oral Presentation.

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