Alles Gute spelled with scrabble letters

This chapter we learned about celebrating birthdays in Germany! Here is a video that reviews some of the things we learned as well as introduces a few new ways to encourage or congratulate someone. Interested to learn when we say “Toi, toi, toi!“? Watch this video!


Die Prinzen in concert

Check out the song “Was soll ich ihr schenken” by the German band Die Prinzen.  The band is made up of former members of the Thomanerchor (the choir of the Thomaskirche in Leipzig). Their songs are often sung a cappella.  The lyrics of their songs are often humorous, tongue-in-cheek critiques of German government or society.  Watch the video here. What does he eventually gift his girlfriend? Here are the lyrics if you want to read along or even sing along!


WeihnachtsmarktGlühwein standFeuerzangentasse


Weihnachten – there are soooo many videos to share with you … here are just a few!

Christmas Time in Germany (two exchange students tell you about their favourite German traditions)

Christmas in Basel (no words – just beautiful pictures!)

Christmas in Vienna (in English)

Saint Nicolas (learn more about the 6th of December)

The secret of the Christmas pickle (Does the tradition of the Christmas pickle really originate in Germany? Find out in this video!)

10 Ingredients for a very German Christmas

Lifeswap: Yule Love It Christmas Special (“Lifeswap” is a series of short animations that illustrate the adventures and misadventures of two young men, Jörg, 27, from Germany and Duncan, 27, from New Zealand.)


Extra Practice (optional): These activities are from the website Schubert-Verlag.

Perfekt I

Perfekt II

Perfekt III

Perfekt IV

Präsens oder Perfekt


Präteritum: haben und sein

Was schenken Sie wem zu Weihnachten?


Personalpronomen im Akkusativ und Dativ

Personalpronomen im Dativ

Media Attributions

  • all-good
  • Prinzen2
  • christmas-market
  • mulled-claret-4647804_1920
  • mulled-claret-1075689_1920


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Willkommen: Deutsch für alle Copyright © 2020 by Claudia Kost and Crystal Sawatzky is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.