Brot written in flour and a loaf of bread  

What do Germans miss the most when they are abroad? Watch these videos to find out!

German bread and bakeries

Why Germans love bread so much!


someone holding up a glass of "Kölsch" in Köln  

Beer has its own “culture” in Germany. Can you open a bottle of beer without a bottle opener? Watch this video to learn ways to do it!


a picture of plastics and sign (Umwelt - Plastik) and Plastik is crossed out  

Still interested in learning more about recycling in Germany? Here are great videos that give you even more information and some do’s and dont’s.

Meet the Germans: How Green is Germany?

Easy German: Recycling in Germany

Super Easy German: Waste Separation in Germany


picture of the books from "Goethes Werke"  

If you enjoyed learning about Goethe, here are a few videos about him and his life as well as very short summary of Faust I & II.


women blowing her nose  

Only in Germany! Here are situations that only happen in Germany and remember these situations before travelling to Germany. 


Ampelmann (red little man that is used for crossing lights in Berlin)  

We have learned lots this year! Here are 15 things NOT to do in Germany. Watch these videos to make sure you are ready to go abroad. For example: Can you get free water in a restaurant? Can you pay with your credit card everywhere? How do Germans feel about jaywalking? What could cause seven years of bad sex?

Video 1

Video 2


Extra Practice (optional): These activities are from the websites Schubert-Verlag und Lingua.



Im Café: Etwas bestellen

Im Restaurant (Lesen)

Restaurants in Deutschland (Hӧren)

Was essen die Menschen gern? (Hӧren)

Im Restaurant (Hӧren)

Essen und Trinken in Deutschland

Beim Gemüsehändler

Ich finde es gut, dass …

Media Attributions

  • bread-1001362_1280
  • cologne-4873905_1920
  • plastic-waste-3964464_1920
  • Goethes Werke
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  • traffic-light-traffic-light-figure-1349250_1920


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Willkommen: Deutsch für alle Copyright © 2020 by Claudia Kost and Crystal Sawatzky is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.