Einheit 1: Schön, dich kennenzulernen!

Learning Outcomes

At the end of Einheit 1, you will be able to…

  • introduce yourself and others
  • greet and say good-bye
  • address people appropriately using Sie, du oder ihr
  • spell using the German alphabet
  • use numbers from 1-1000
  • describe geographical locations
  • describe objects using colours
  • speak about the weather
  • give polite instructions or make requests
  • ask for, understand, and express basic information about yourself

You will also have learned about the following structures:

  • personal pronouns
  • conjugation of verbs in present tense
  • questions using was, wie, woher
  • Sie“-imperative
  • grammatical gender of nouns and pronouns (masculine, feminine, neuter)


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