
Einheit 9: Guten Appetit!

Learning Outcomes

At the end of Einheit 9, you will be able to…

  • identify and describe grocery items
  • go shopping in a supermarket/market
  • describe the German recycling system and sort garbage accordingly
  • name and describe some regional food specialties
  • order food in a restaurant
  • discuss cultural differences when going to a German restaurant (getting a table, placing your cutlery appropriately, tipping, etc.)
  • identify and describe some features of UNESCO world heritage sites, in particular the Klassisches Weimar in Weimar
  • discuss some aspects of the life and work of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • talk about a famous German drama (Faust, by Goethe) in its cultural and historical context

You will also have learned about the following structures:

  • adjective endings (review)
  • future tense
  • relative pronouns and relative clauses



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