Picture of a wolf reading to another baby wolf and the caption says: Es war einmal ein Rotkäppchen und ich habe es gefressen. Ende der Geschichte. Schlaf' jetzt!
Es war einmal written on a book  

Would you like to listen to more Märchen? Here are two great websites from the Goethe Institute:

Grimms Märchen zum Hören



Fairy tale globe with different characters  

Would you like to watch some of the Märchen from this unit? Here is a playlist of over 20 different fairy tales.


Top 100 German Verbs  

Here is a very great video that lists the top 100 verbs in German. The video goes through the present, perfect and simple past tenses. You could make your own cue cards along with this video:-)

Extra Practice (optional): These activities are from Grimm Grammar

Simple Past (regular verbs)

Simple Past (irregular verbs)

Simple Past (mixed verbs)

Past Perfect Tense

Media Attributions

  • Woelfische_Gutenachtgeschichte (1)
  • IMG_7324
  • fairy-tale-482143_1920
  • IMG_7783


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Willkommen: Deutsch für alle 2 Copyright © by Claudia Kost and Crystal Sawatzky is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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