Lydia's Children
Lydia’s Children
Back of Postcard
Back of Postcard

Postmark: MONROE NEB, AUG 18 1911 5 PM
Mrs Wm Brunken
Lahoma, Okla.
Dear Frend. Mary. received the card and think its awful cute of the children.  got through thrashing yesterday got 800 bu. wheat. 400 oats. write soon. Your friend


  • “Mrs Wm Brunken”, “Friend” is Clara Marie (Petersen) Brunken.
  • Signatory: “Lydia” is probably Lydia Tessendorf who lived in the next section over from the Carsten Petersen, Sr. family[1].
  • Possible names for these children (left to right) are: Olga Tessendorf and Minnie Tessendorf[1].


Monroe, Nebraska as per the postmark[2].


August 18, 1911 as per the postmark.


  1. There is a Lydia with two small children who lived near the Carsten Petersen, Sr. home according to the 1910 US Census, Lost Creek Township, Platte County, Nebraska.
    1910 US Census, Lost Creek Township
    1910 US Census, Lost Creek Township

Lydia Tessendorf and her children would likely have been well known to Marie.  In 1910, Minnie was 5 and Olga was 2.  In 1911, when this card was sent, Olga would have been 3 – I think the baby in the carriage looks a bit younger than three.  However, there is nothing that says the picture is a recent one.  Maybe this is the only picture that Lydia had at hand of her children and she was just respondjng in kind to the picture that Marie had apparently recently sent to Lydia.

  • The postmark of Monroe, Nebraska is consistent with Lost Creek Township as many of the postcards from the western side of Lost Creek Township are postmarked Monroe.



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