William and Mary Brunken Children - 1918
William and Mary Brunken Children – 1918


Alvin William Brunken - 1918
Alvin William Brunken – 1918
Hilda Ida Brunken - 1918
Hilda Ida Brunken – 1918
Leona Cecelia Brunken - 1918
Leona Cecelia Brunken – 1918
Harold Carsten Brunken - 1918
Harold Carsten Brunken – 1918

Anyone have suggestions as to who the unidentified girl is?

Unidentified Girl - 1918
Unidentified Girl – 1918

Possibly a cousin.  She cannot be William and Mary Brunken’s youngest daughter, Mildred Brunken, because Mildred was not born until 1920.

What are they looking at?

What are they looking at in front of them?

They appear to be looking at writing on the ground. Apparently there is a corn stalk at Hilda’s feet. But, I cannot make out what the script says.

Writing in the Ground?


I speculate that the William and Mary Brunken family went to Nebraska for the wedding of Christian Border “Chris” Petersen and Tetta Hanna Johannes[1]. Possibly these pictures were taken while they were visiting relatives or were at some wedding function. Or, maybe these pictures were taken after church services.  The Alvin and Harold are wearing suits and Hilda and Leona appear to be wearing Sunday dresses.


About 1918 – Harold appears to be about 4 years old.  Given the heavy clothing that the children are wearing, it is probably winter time[1].


Probably Nebraska given my speculation that these pictures were taken while the William and Mary Brunken family was in Nebraska[2] attending the wedding of Mary’ brother Chris Petersen to Tetta Johannes.


  1. Christian Border “Chris” Petersen and Tetta Hanna Johannes were married 20 Feb 1918 near Platte Center, Nebraska.
  2. My first thought was that the barn in the background is that of the Chris Petersen Home Place. However there is no window in the side of the barn in this picture unlike that shown for the front of the barn in the Chis Petersen Home Place posting. My second thought was these pictures were taken at the time of the Large Social Event posting.  However the barn siding in this picture does not match the barn siding in the background of the Large Social Event posting.


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