A Sunday Afternoon Adventure
A Sunday Afternoon Adventure


The group of five people on the right half of the picture appear to be: from left to right – Hilda Brunken, Alvin Brunken, and Leona Brunken with Harold Brunken in front and their father, William Brunken, in back.

The group of five people on the left side of the picture are unidentified.


It appears that two families are on a Sunday afternoon adventure exploring the country side.

Related Picture

The following photograph from grandmother’s album shows people in the distance and appears to be of the same group as above.

Another Picture - c1917
Another Picture – c1917

Even when the group of people is magnified, it is hard to identify individuals.

The people in the first picture of this post appear to be the same people as in the above picture.

Look at William Brunken in the first picture – same shirt and hat as the man in the upper right side of the above photograph.  Behind William is appears to be Hilda and to the right of Hilda is possibly Alvin.  The girl on the left side of the front row is probably Leona. And, Harold is probably the boy on the right side of the front row.

The unknown woman with a girl on her lap appears to be sitting on something in the middle of the picture. On the left side of the picture, there is now another woman in the group.  Possibly she was the person who took the first picture and now the unknown man in the first picture is the person who took this picture.

Who are the unidentified people on these pictures[1][2][3]?


Apparently this stroll was on the Sunday afternoon following Hilda’s birthday party – September 23, 1917[4].


Lahoma, Oklahoma – nearby


  1. The picture size, border, and film aging are the same for both this picture and the previous Birthday Party for Hilda Brunken post.
  2. Look at the little girl on the right in the first picture of this post, she appears to be the same unknown girl in the arms of the unknown woman in Hilda’s birthday party photograph.
  3. The boys in the the above pictures appear to be several of the unknown boys in the birthday photographs.
  4. Note the shirts that the boys are wearing in this picture are white and the Alvin and Harold have on trousers rather than overalls.  Likewise Hilda and Leona have on different dresses.  Possibly this is Sunday and they had previously attended church services.


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Grandma Brunken's Album Copyright © by dalewkirmse is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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