Born in Montreal, Niall O’Reilly studied at Carleton University in Ottawa. He has worked in the computer field since coming to Toronto in 1979. At the University of Toronto, he obtained a degree in Classics and Philosophy. His interests include social dance, yoga, Zen, live theatre and music, as well as writing stories, plays, and poems. Niall has travelled in Europe, the U.S., and around Ontario extensively, always in search of new story ideas. His plays have premiered at various new play festivals, among them: Bikini Atoll (2007) at the Playwrights of Spring Festival, Aurora; Dance Macabre (2011), New Ideas Festival, Alumnae Theatre, Toronto; and Men in Kilts (2013), Gay Play Day Festival, Toronto. Look for his poem Ontario Suite on Wattpad. His current focus as a writer is on the two series of linked novellas: Patrick & Alison and Serge & Paul/Paula. The inspiration for light mysteries comes from Nancy Drew books and can be traced back to Old Roman Comedy.


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