Book Title: Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach

Authors: Deborah P. Amory; Sean G. Massey; Jennifer Miller; and Allison P. Brown

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Designed for an introductory course, this textbook takes a cross-disciplinary approach to the study of LGBTQ+ issues that helps students grasp core concepts through a variety of different perspectives.

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Book Information

Book Description

Designed for an introductory course, this textbook takes a cross-disciplinary approach to the study of LGBTQ+ issues that helps students grasp core concepts through a variety of different perspectives.

Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies offers accessible, academically sound information on a wide range of topics, including history, culture, and Queer Theory; an exploration of LGBTQ+ relationships, families, parenting, health, and education; and how to conduct research on LGBTQ+ topics. The book explores LGBTQ+ issues from the ancient world to contemporary global perspectives.

Employing an intersectional analysis, the textbook highlights how sexuality and gender are simultaneously experienced and constructed through other structures of inequality and privilege, such as race and class. The text supports multiple learning styles by integrating visual elements, multimedia resources, discussion and project prompts, and resources for further research throughout the textbook.

Book Source

This book is a cloned version of Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach by Deborah P. Amory, Sean G. Massey, Jennifer Miller, and Allison P. Brown, published using Pressbooks by State University of New York Press under a CC BY (Attribution) license. It may differ from the original.


Deborah P. Amory; Sean G. Massey; Jennifer Miller; and Allison P. Brown


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach Copyright © by State University of New York is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


LGBTQ+ Studies / topics


Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach
Deborah P. Amory; Sean G. Massey; Jennifer Miller; and Allison P. Brown
James Aimers; Robert Bittner; Marquis Bey; Cathy Corder; Christa Craven; David M. Frost; Kimberly Fuller; Rosalinda Hernandez Linares; Thomas Lawrence Long; Ann Merriwether; Rae-Anne Montague; Rita M. Palacios; Gesina A. Phillips; Carrie Pirmann; Clark A. Pomerleau; Sabia Prescott; Christine Rodriguez; Mycroft M. Roske; Ariella Rotramel; Joseph Russo; Shyla Saltzman; Melody Scagnelli-Townley; Dara J. Silberstein; Maddison Lauren Simmons; Marianne Snyder; Lynne Stahl; Steve Stratton; Jessica Szempruch; Adriaan van Klinken; Ryan J. Watson; Rachel Wexelbaum; Olivia Wood; Susan Wood; and Sarah R. Young

Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach Copyright © by State University of New York is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the generosity of SUNY OER Services for the financial support they lent to this project.

For information, contact State University of New York Press, Albany, NY

Primary Subject
LGBTQ+ Studies / topics
SUNY Empire State College, Binghamton University, SUNY Geneseo
State University of New York Press