

A compendium of documents about the SciTech BBS was created in a website format and archived onto a CD-ROM.  The aforementioned compendium size is 133.37 MB, and thus is not available for download within this e-book. However, the majority of the CD-ROM content has been rejuvenated in this e-book format. The following images are the from the CD-ROM label and case front and back covers:


1998 CD-ROM Label for SciTech ISP and INDECOL Webserver
1998 CD-ROM Label for SciTech ISP and INDECOL Webserver


1998 CD-ROM Case Front Cover for SciTech ISP and INDECOL Webserver
1998 CD-ROM Case Front Cover for SciTech ISP and INDECOL Webserver


1998 CD-ROM Case Back Cover for SciTech ISP and INDECOL Webserver
1998 CD-ROM Case Back Cover for SciTech ISP and INDECOL Webserver


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Pioneers of Online Learning in Alberta Copyright © 2020 by Steve Swettenham is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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